Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Low Tire Pressure

Lately, I have been allowing social network sites (Facebook, Twitter, and InstaGram) to appeal to the lust of my eyes. When I see what others have in relation to what I don't have (and often THINK I need), it ends up triggering a feeling that I hate. This feeling is known as covetousness, which, plainly put, means wanting something you don't already have.

It may sound foreign and petty, but how easy is it to see people post pictures of their 'happy relationship' and want that? To see posts about having another baby, and desire that? Relational things aside, lets not even address the tangible things such as cars, raises, new jobs, shoes, etc? Even deeper than that, what about those who are accomplishing the dreams you're chasing after and working diligently for?

As I read Genesis 29:31 through 30:24, I realized that no matter how many children Leah bore, she was looking for her husband's love. And no matter how much Rachel's husband loved her, she was looking to bear children. Each woman had what the other wanted thinking it would satisfy. Yet if they'd both sat still long enough, they would have realized that neither their husband's affection, nor bearing of children was satisfaction enough.

I've had so many issues with my tires, that now I am pretty paranoid yet I have a pretty good idea what's wrong when my 'tire pressure' light comes on. As a result, when a friend of mine saw the tire pressure light turn on in her car, for the first time, she called me for a bit of advice. To her, the light coming on triggered an immediate call for action, but because I had a little more experience in that area, I knew how to address her anxiety.

The light (for her) triggered a desire to address a hidden issue.

Something as simple as a social network post, can trigger in us an awareness of what we don't have & what we desire. Yet, in that same way, God wants us to realize that what others have isn't what pours into the void that we are trying to fill. "Getting things in life" isn't the air needed to fill the void in our tire-like lives. When we see and hear about the things others possess, this should trigger in us (like a light in our car) the awareness that He desires to satisfy a deeper (hidden) longing and become an immediate call for action to run to Him. Because He knows exactly what we need, He knows how to address our anxieties and to fill us with Himself.

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