Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fat meat greasy

One of my co-workers used to say to our students, "they gone learn, fat meat greasy!". For the longest I just laughed because it sounded funny, but I had no clue what he was talking about. Finally, he broke it down for me. It's an urban slang meaning people will find out the hard way that something is true or going to occur. I'd like to think if Jesus was a bit urban He might have said it when warning people that their selfish ways are going to get them no where!

When I saw the movie Flight, it was tough watching someone as brilliant as Denzel's character struggle through life getting high, drinking everytime he was sad or lonely and all to drain out the real issues he was afraid of dealing with. In the end, it caught up with him and he realized facing his issues truly brought him solace. So why go the long way around?

Similar happenings in the new Tyler Perry movie. Chasing after foolish gains (drugs, promiscuity, riches, drunkeness and parties) that you KNOW won't satisfy, yet misled by the promises of what the world has to offer. Only to have the fruits of your labor turn out sour and rotten. Various times in Ecclesiastes, Solomon refers to chasing after such things as meaningless. Then why do we see it as tittalating? Yes, the arousal is enjoyable for the time being...but while the world is captivating our cravings, its also showing us how vile and corrupt it will leave us in the end.

Ponder on all the celebrities who chased money and fortune, yet ended up strung out on drugs, lonely and abused. Let the cry from their tragic stories ring louder than the screams of their fleeting fame! God's way may seem prudish, boring and mundane...but the person who loves you wants life and sincere peace for you. He surely won't force you to take that route, but you better believe fat meat greasy!

Heart Patient

Ever had someone just piss you off? Not necessarily because they did anything personally to you, but just because of their mannerisms and how they behave. There was someone I had to be around for a long period of time and the more I was around them, the more I found myself struggling to think straight without being completely disgusted and distracted. Everything they did from how they walked to the way they interacted with others was so putrid to me! I couldn’t stand their laziness, lack of work ethic, inability to be assertive and constant nagging and whining.

At one point, I chalked it up to the fact that I was simply better than they were. After all, my personal ethics were together, I took initiative and kept my mouth shut when things didn’t go my way. It was evident I was the better of us two. Or so I thought. One day it hit me. I was the disgusting one. My true heart was exposed as I looked with disdain upon this person. My heart was filled with hatred so clearly I wasn’t as ‘perfect’ as I thought I was. Before I knew it, conviction set in and I was challenged to talk to God about my own sick condition. Daily, I questioned ‘what was wrong with me’?
A few weeks later, I heard about a bible study lesson being taught that seemed to ‘hit home’ in the very area I was struggling with. So compelled, I attended and of course I got slapped up, down, side to side and pretty much every which way with the Word. Convicted, but encouraged. I was challenged to examine my own heart, and address the issue in a godly, practical way. Extend mercy, be kind, treat fairly…all things I certainly did not FEEL like doing.

Less than a week later, I was faced with a chance to be alone with this person. Over a forced conversation, I learned some personal things about them and as I listened, my heart felt deep compassion for them. The emotion was real; I can truly say it was not self-induced. It overwhelmed me and I felt myself enter unfamiliar territory. Somehow, I was obliged to encourage them as well as pray for them.

I’m not sure how a surgeon takes a bad heart and exchanges it for a better one, but I know THE HEART SURGEON can take a wicked, filthy heart and somehow infuse it with His forgiveness and tender compassion, making it brand new and cause it to beat for others. I’ve bee a patient under His scapel…

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nothing more than a mirage

such foolery
of me to defraud my faculties
misled by my thirst
what's worse?
you led me to believe I should put you first

deceptive in nature
appealing on paper
verbally able
to temporarily quench my lust
give me just enough
to cause me to put my trust... yo behind

what a farse
a waste
to rape me of my time and
make me doubt my taste
my vision quite blurred
disillusioned i'm sure
you were nothing more than a mirage
a facade
well played game of cards
check mate
I should have let you go
like the last possession in UNO
I would've bet on you tho
pulled the lever and let go
gambled with you til I was broke
but your game plan was Casino

You see what you want to see
fantasy becomes reality
when in actuality
the evidence shows no partiality
it IS what it is
and to get a good fill
push thru the hurt to the heal
for there the water's real