Friday, January 24, 2014

Iced Over

Houston area school closings, delays, cancellations

Houston had a "Snow Day" of sorts (minus the snow) today as thousands of students and teachers enjoyed a much needed break due to the freezing rain that passed through over night and in the early morning hours.

District Superintendents across the greater Houston area were faced with the decision as to whether roads were safe enough to transport children to school; whether facilities would have the power to withstand extreme weather circumstances and still function properly, and whether sustained temperatures would affect mobility later in the day.

Ultimately, the power the Superintendents possess to shut down their District for the day, is exercised for the benefit of parents, students and teachers and their safety! Its part of their responsibility to protect the community from the danger that might ensue due to such hazardous weather conditions.

Around the beginning of the year, countless people make lofty resolutions with noble intent.

Quit smoking
Stop cursing
Leave unhealthy relationships
Cut back on spending
blah blah blah...

If you're like me, you just get tired of disappointing God with some of the things you do that break His heart. As Believers, though, our Lord sees and understands the good motives behind these claims, He knows that we don't possess the power needed to protect ourselves through severing these unhealthy ties.

To Him our best deeds are at best, filthy cloths! [Isa.64:6]

But there's a remedy! The good news is that the Holy Spirit, we as Believers possess [2 Cor. 5:5], holds much more Power than District Superintendents. The Spirits' functional power is intended to protect God's children from the danger that might ensue due to those hazardous behaviors and patterns we've become accustomed to. He can & will shut down whatever in our lives continues to put us at danger in our relationship with our Lord.

"..but if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature..."
~[Rom. 8:13]

Wishing away our bad habits, and ridding ourselves of our addictions and fixations isn't strong enough. God promises that if we use the Power of the Spirit living within us, by calling on Him to empower us, we will bury those things that we hate to do.

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