Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Where Am I?

Have you ever been in a place and wondered where you were? You know, the moment you wake up from that amazing nap that must have truly knocked you out because you begin looking around as if you have no clue where you are! Or perhaps you've gone on a trip with someone and they refuse to share with you where you are going and as you check out every turn they make in the car, you can't recognize what side of town you are on.

Or you might be like me, in a season of your life where you decided to follow God on a journey of obedience and faith and now you find yourself in the middle of a "storm" of sorts. Caught in between saying "yes" to Him and wondering where the alleged 'blessing' is that's supposed to come from your obedience. You feel trapped behind your willingness to blindly trust His direction for you and silently wishing He would just get you out of the situation the quickest route possible. You know it's best if you ride this season out and learn what He wants you to learn from it, but you secretly hope it's over soon because it just doesn't feel good.

I'm there. And yet I'm still questioning "where am I?" As in, what is this place I'm in and why? What is this season supposed to be teaching me besides the obvious? If it's faith, don't I have that already? Can I learn this lesson another way? I found comfort in my line of questioning when I came across a name-less girl in 2 Kings 5.

The story is intended to be about a mighty army captain who has a terminal disease but goes to get healing. But if you read too quickly you'll miss the two verses that mention that this captive who has been living in enemy territory boldly speaks with faith to the mistress she serves. Why is she so important? Because she is the very one who suggests that this army captain (who does NOT worship the One true God, by the way) go be healed by one of Gods servants.

I submit that God didn't cause her to be kidnapped from her country and held captive in enemy territory but that He did allow it. That He strategically ensured she would be placed in the vicinity of this army captain who was prideful and respected yet had a great need. He knew that if she was there, she would boldly & confidently speak of what God was able to do for him and this idol worshipper would seek healing and eventually become a God-fearing man.

Where was she? She probably didn't know any more about her placement than you or I do. But what she DID know was what she had seen God do for her people. What she did focus on was the opportunity she had to speak about Gods ability. She was faithful where she was and because of it, God was able to reveal Himself to a nay-sayer and turn him into a Believer!

You may not know where you are or why...but be encouraged friend...God has strategically placed you there for a purpose. Be faithful and watch what He does...not just for you, but for others He has placed around you!