Thursday, September 18, 2014

Be careful what you pray for

When someone tells you "be careful" they can mean one of two things:

"Girl, be careful fooling with that chick."
Interpretation- Don't fool with ( be friends with) her.

"Hey I'm about to get on the road!"..."ok, be careful!"
Interpretation- be watchful and proceed with care

I don't know about you but often times I get caught up praying Gods Word because I want so much to please Him. Isaiah 55:11 tells me that his Word doesn't return to Him void but it will accomplish what it sets out to do. So I'll pray for specifics in my life but I also pray things like, "Your will be done", "show me my purpose" and " Be glorified in my life".

Little do I realize when I'm praying these phrases that I'm giving God permission to do what He wants (I.e: what He was ALREADY going to do) but with my full cooperation! Well that's all cute until...

...I start thinking about things on my own agenda, that I desire. Yes I even pout sometimes because I feel (I be in my feelings every now and then) like my own wants are being ignored.

Here's the irony...God is busy taking care of His agenda (like I prayed for Him to do) therefore it's possible that my selfish and/or self-focused motives might not be significant in the grand scheme of things.  What's amazing, however, is that He has makes it His purpose to take care of our needs and grant our desires (when delight ourselves in Him) in His own way and timing.

So I admonish you to "be careful" what you pray for. Not in a "BEWARE" tone! But what I mean is anticipate great things as you proceed in prayer; be confident when you pray His will. Your agenda may not get accomplished, but His will will be done and you can rest assure that He's carefully taking care of your needs and desires in the process!

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