Sunday, February 9, 2014

Modern day slavery

In honor of Black History month and the celebration of the abolishing of slavery, it might be a good time to turn our attention to other forms of slavery that need to end. 

A close friend of mine is so passionate about trafficking and is totally involved in the efforts against sex trafficking in Houston (in particular). As she involves herself with volunteering at safe houses and increasing awareness, I've learned much about the insides of this form of slavery. 

Human trafficking is compelling a person (by force or deception) into forced labor, domestic servitude or sexual commerce. Or simply enlisting someone (particularly a minor) into trade. 

It's exploitation, a violation of rights, having control over a vulnerable person by way of coercion. In short, its recruitment through deception for exploitation. 

I heard a pastor say "the enemy is trafficking us". If you think about it, it sounds a lot like his game plan: recruitment of vulnerable persons, through deception by way of their weaknesses to exploit them and lead them towards spiritual and eventually physical death. Our lusts lead us astray, but he provides the temptation (lure), deceiving us into believing we need something to satisfy our longings. Something better than, or quicker in satisfaction than what God provides. He plans to enlist us in his servitude, trading our virtue for destruction. What he's doing to God's creation is exploiting us in efforts to make God look bad; he's violating our rights to the freedom bought for us by the blood of Jesus; he seeks to have control over us by way of coercion. 

Don't allow yourself to be recruited, deceived and eventually exploited. Trust the God who desires to pursue, woo and win over your heart; who desires a personal relationship with you for eternity; and who wants to empower you to live free until He returns to redeem you. 

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