Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Big deal and little things

Beyonce made a song a few years ago where she refers to their issues as "Big deals" and "little things" by singing, "Stop making a big deal out of the little things because I got big deals and I got litle things"

Have you ever lost something small like the back of an earring or a contact that fell on the floor? The semi-traumatic experience seems like a big deal at the time even though the item is just a little thing in theory. Have you ever misplaced your cell phone or set of keys and your whole world stopped over something so little in stature? But in essence that little thing carries such a big value that you are frozen in time trying to figure out how to make it to the next moment because you're so sure you just cannot go on.

I'm sure we all have some big deals as well as some things we consider little things. We may even have some little things that we consider big deals. Regardless of the "thing" or the "deal", God comforts us in His Word with these words:

"Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered" ~Luke 12:7


"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" ~Matthew 6:26

Two very common scriptures that have very critical underlying meanings. Everything is little to God, so we can trust Him with the things we deem insignificant especially if He keeps up with the hairs that make up our head when our hair constantly sheds. Things that don't even hold our attention, appeal to his.

Lately, I've been journaling about my "little things" like helping me be influential and impactful on my job. To me, a big deal would be getting the job. But after that, I tend to think I got the rest! But no, I've been praying about Him being the reason why I'm successful. Not so much bringing me success, but something as minute as my effectiveness in doing my job. I throw my college degree and training out the window and chose to rely on Him to help me build relationships and make impactful connections. That way when success occurs, I cannot take acclaim for it. I can give Him all the glory.

I've had a few friends commit recently to ask God for seemingly little things in relation to their jobs as well. Things that ordinarily aren't feasible within a district. Yet the past few days they've blown up my phone with reports of praise on how God made it so they could have those impossibilities. I can't help but glow at the attention to detail God showed to their prayers. So today when I encountered some small seemingly meaningless relational and vocational victories, I had no choice but to  marvel at how He paid attention to my little things and made it His big deal!

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