Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1 + 1 does NOT = 2

Our society is strictly proof based. Everything is scientific and exact. It must be explained or has to be explained in order to be reasonable or true.

Too often I find myself adopting this same mindset when it comes to God. After soaking in the stories of others and observing their lifestyles and the outcomes therein, I tend to take inventory of my own issues and situations. I scrutinize the outcomes that are a result and try to fit it into this equation I've formulated.

"If I strive to live right + have a heart that desires to do God's will = I will struggle."


"If I wild out + do what I want = God will give grace and send me the things I desire!"

My problem? Candidly speaking, what am I supposed to think when someone I know purposely lives a loose life, and then meets an amazing guy who is wholly committed to them and ends up turning their life around.

What do I say when someone I know doesn't care about God and does everything to provide for themselves, then their lives end up prosperous, able to successfully meet their needs and pay off debt?

In short, why do bad people end up living the good life; all the while, good people suffer?

And like lightning, it hit me! The conviction of the Holy Spirit:

1. There is no such thing as 'good' and 'bad' people. "All have sinned and fall short"..."Our righteousness is as filthy rags in God's eyes"..."No one does what is right, no not one"

2. "God is fair; causing the rain to fall on the just and the unjust." He is no respecter of persons.

In His eyes there is no such thing as 1 + 1 = 2 because He cannot be contained. He cannot be manipulated. He is God & He does as He pleases. His picture is bigger than ours, His plan is greater than ours. To Him, our lives are more than just about the time spent on Earth.

He (His plan/His will) cannot be put in a box; there's no equation to predict or control what He purposes for my life. "He is faithful even when we are faithless." We would get frustrated thinking if we follow some spiritual equation to happiness and success (in our eyes) and then blame God when it doesn't happen. Gods version and idea of success, prosperity, provision, and success isn't exactly what the world has trained us to believe those words mean. His thoughts and ways are NOT ours.

My resolve? Live humbly, love mercy and walk justly with my God. Exercise faith, for without it, it's impossible to please Him. Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness. My obedience to these callings don't guarantee a problem free life. Find joy in simply pleasing God.

References: Romans 3:23, Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:10, Matthew 5:45, Acts 10:34, 2 Tim 2:13, Micah 6:8, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:33, Isaiah 55:8

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