Saturday, December 31, 2011
Our Manure-His Fertilizer!
Trash, much like manure is universally viewed in a negative connotation. The aroma and the site of it seems to evoke the most grotesque of feelings. As we would all agree, "trash needs to be taken out" and is NOT an appealing thing to revisit.
From other perspectives, however, trash and manure are both positive and necessary components for life! Eh? How is that? How can something so vile be considered as good? The burning of trash emitts and provides for alternative forms of energy (biofuels); recycling of trash takes a once waisted material and makes it reusable and of course manure (treated of course) in enriched with nutrients and organic materials that serve to enhance fertilizers. Its safe to say that these negatively viewed products can be transformed and useful for growth byproducts and promoting life in other areas!
Our pasts (filled with its mistakes, years of waisted wandering, chasing after futile desires) can often be viewed in a negative light as well. When I look back on years I waisted foolishly engaged in what I thought would satisfy me, I cringe at how blind and numb I was. I shake my head in efforts to relieve my emotional regret and linger on thoughts of wishing I would have done and known better. To me, my past is like trash and manure; putrid in smell and embarrasing to revisit.
But when scrutinized from other angles and after meditating on the by product of it all, I see the how what I deem worthy to be "taken out" is actually a transformational product. How can running from God and knowingly rejecting His love by prostituting myself to my own lusts be positive? Because He used it to bring me closer to Him. To show me that if I wanted to search other avenues of love--I was free to do so by choice. But as I've read and memorized, I will come to understand and experience that those 'loves' pale in comparison to His. As I push Him security and protection aside and seek for success in my own strengths--He sits by lovingly waiting for me to come to the end of a rope that promised fulfillment but whose satisfaction could not pay off. And there He was offering me true fulfillment and satisfaction in His manner.
He patiently awaits our return, and proudly uses the nutrients of our adultery to enhance the quality of our lives by proving Who He is and what we are without Him. All this transformation and recycling occurs without condemnation as He relentlessly pursues us, unbeknownst to us! Our past is, in essence, a biofuel reusable for His Glory! NONE of it is a waist!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Left Path; Right Reason

The ABC's, the books of the Bible, lyrics of age old songs all have one thing in common for me: They were all memorized rote-style so much so that I could recite them verbatim without thought!
The same is true of Psalms 23. It was a passage that was taught and recited through Vacation Bible School and Sunday School so much so that the true meaning of the passage was easily missed. Over time, like pieces of a puzzle, I began to merge scripture with meaning and as I heard various speakers give their breakdowns and read books that explained the excert from the context perspective, I became more acquainted with this familiar passage.
Just the other day, verse 3, "He restores my soul, He leads me in the paths of righteousness, for His name's sake..." struck a chord with me. God, leading me, in order to make HIS name/reputation look good? Hmmmm, I'd never seen it from that angle before. I understood my role as a sheep to mean that I needed guidance and as a believer that guidance would need to be along paths of righteousness. But again, my perspective was that it was for my good; namely because I'm so foul and capable of straying away from my Shepherd. While this is true, I find this simple refrain to indicate that my primary purpose for needing guidance is to protect the Lord's reputation from damage. He, being the jealous God He is realizes the importance of His name being unblemished as the method through which people will 'hear' and accept His Son and that drives His desire to not only restore us when fallen, but to then lead us in the right direction.
Desperate Heart-wise

"The heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" ~Jeremiah 17:9
On Wisteria Lane lives a handful of women who daily work through domestic struggles, while dealing with secrets (their own and those of their neighbors), and crimes hidden behind closed doors. Meanwhile, at the surface their homes are beautiful and seemingly perfect as they are decked in pearls, trendy outfits, and driving acceptable cars. How desperate is that?
Deceiving people into believing that your life is happy when inside all you feel is emptyness all for the sake of appearances IS INDEED, a desperate move.
People who feen for something will stoop to desperate measures to fulfill their desires.
To be desperate is to have little or no hope, to be in an extremely bad and/or dangerous situation or state.
Much like the prime time soap opera, our heart is referred to as "desperate" in Jeremiah 17:9. Its not enough that the prophet conveys how wicked and deceitful it is, fooling us to believe we are one way when we really aren't; but it goes beyond that and states that its wicked! No where in our heart is there a palpable pulse for good! In fact, our heart, like a drug feen, would kill and rob in order to fulfill its need for wickedness! Our heart has little or no hope, it is truly in an extremely bad and dangerous state and cannot be trusted!
So then, where does this leave us? Are we really to 'follow our hearts'? Are our emotions (which flow from our hearts) a trustworthy tourguide through life's decisions? I contend that the ONLY person we "give our hearts to" should be the Lord. And not in the conventional, lovey-dovey sense, but because He is the ONLY HOPE worth resuscitating it and who the only ONE who "really knows how bad it is".
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Sin of Gomer
They say, "If you love, let it go..and if its real it'll come back to stay".
We get so bent out of shape when we give ourselves in a relationship and the gifts aren't reciprocated. We love and aren't loved, trust but are betrayed, open our hearts and are shut out then resentment fills our hearts as distance grows between two "supposed lovers".
Complaints cry out "Why didn't you...why won't you...?" Character is attacked, "You are so selfish..." Revenge is sought, "I hope you..." Nostalgia seeps in "I remember when..."
We are often the harlot we look down our noses at. We'd never admit to it, of course. She (Gomer) had the affection and pursuit of a faithful man. We have that pursuit and affection at a cost too pricey to imagine and from One who remains faithful and yet we repeatedly seek fleeting pleasure.
Meanwhile our Hosea (Jesus) sits back crying out "why won't you?...I remember when..." and we are the selfish ones deserving the karma of revenge. But instead He relentlessly chases us down, destroys our brothels, steals our hearts back and we attest to our unfaithfulness as our hearts yearn to never leave His side again.
Evaluating real love in human relationships truly causes you to re-evaluate that of your First Love (between a Believer and their Savior).
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
In the Eye of THE BEHOLDER!
Since Reality TV and social networks have become the breeding grounds for selfish justification of the First Amendment, its no wonder the art of beauty has become as rare as a Da Vinci or a Donatello.
Women cursing at each other, hosting cat-like fights, tearing their sisters down in hopes to draw blood are the entertainment of our day. But their foolery only prove that money doesn't make one more classy than the other. As a matter of fact "A(n) (outwardly) beautiful woman who acts foolishly is like a gold ring in a pig's snout" (Prov. 11:22)
How would YOU define beauty? If someone walked up to you and classified you as Beautiful, what would they be referring to? Your outward appearance for the time being, or possibly your ability to consistently keep up with the latest fashions? Perhaps their comments would reflect your selfless deeds, or possibly your passion to serve others?
Of the aforementioned, in only one is beauty as lasting a quality as that which develops as slowly and reaps such refined products as a foreign object in the mouth of an oyster does a pearl. In the other, however, beauty is as shallow and fleeting as the grass which is here today and gone tomorrow. Fighting for this beauty can be as seducing and temporary as chasing an iridescent, hollow bubble.
Culture frowns upon the things that take time to form. Long gone are the days where grandma would start a roast in the wee hours of the morning, or clean and soak her collard greens for hours. But anyone with great appreciation for food would attest that the quality of the food, nutrients found within and flavor that dripped from each bite is unparallel to that of any conventional method could ever dream of producing. True beauty isn't much different, in fact, "be beautiful in your heart, because this kind of beauty will last and God considers it very special!" (1 Peter 3:3-4)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
When Good people do Bad things...
We always hear about "why bad things happen to good people?" but rarely do we hear about what happens when 'good people' choose to do 'bad things'. So I thought I'd address THAT phenomenon.
Well let me first start by saying NO ONE IS GOOD! Not what you wanted to hear?
"No one is good, no- not one!" ~Romans 3:12
So since no one is considered 'good', technically we are people who crave what is bad for us anyways. Ok, now that that has been established we can move on to how people handle the natural things they want to do.
Two general responses normally arise when people make choices against their better judgement:
If a person is driving along and realizes they passed up their designation, they can make one of two choices. They could pull over, stop, turn the car off and give up OR they could turn around and head in the correct direction of their designation. THAT is the difference between Condemning yourself for the choice made or accepting Conviction.
Condemnation is an element of our conscience and is spiritual in that the enemy uses it to torment us into a pit of destruction. We inevitably psych ourselves into believing the worse about ourselves until our thoughts render us incapable.
Conviction is an element of our conscience and for those who are Believers ("Good" because of Christ, not within ourselves), also a component of and benefit from our Helper (the Spirit of God who resides inside us. It too is spiritual in that He serves to lovingly bring up our mistake and reminds us of forgiveness that is readily available along with directions on how to avoid the same mistake and a desire to turn our behavior around.
Both condemnation and conviction is susceptible for the Believer, but Condemnation is NOT the end to which we should be drawn (Romans 8:1 "Now, there is therefore NO condemnation for THOSE who are IN Christ Jesus").
When you do bad things...which road do you tend to take?
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I CAN't love you...

Is it possible for a person who is NOT a believer, to really love?
Of course we've heard "I love you" tossed around millions of times from all parties. And with the Hollywood culture that has infiltrated our society, the real acts of true love have been blurred. Saying "I love you" and seeing what love really looks like, however are vastly different. Acts of real love are a 'road less traveled' while the lingo is a dominant language.
But should this vast divide be more apparent? Is it? Why would Paul convey that believers and non-believer shouldn't be together in a relationship? Why would Jesus command 'us' to love our enemies? What does a non-believer mean when he/she says "I love you"? How can non-believing couples stay together for long periods of time and believers marriages end in divorce?
A person who has understood and accepted what Jesus has done for them tends to have a well from which to draw from. When a believer encounters hurt, disappointment, the object of disrespect and rejection, the obvious nature of the flesh arises. And from this nature comes the innate desire to curse, get revenge, and inflict hurt. But with that comes the faithful reminder of the Holy Spirit to do otherwise or refrain from such behaviors. Though a believer can ignore this friendly reminder, he/she has the ability to tap into the memory and irony of how he/she was once the offender and Jesus (their confessed Savior) forgave them securing them from the revenge of the offended (God). This power, if summoned, infuses them and once tapped into, diffuses the desires to retaliate.
THIS, is something the non-believer is NOT privy to. ACCESS DENIED! So when hard times fall, feelings and emotions might drive futile attempts to 'stay together' or 'work it out' and might even temporarily seem to work. But true love that was modeled in perfection, then accepted by imperfect people...will surely last and change lives! And THIS love ONLY runs through the veins of a believer in Jesus Christ.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Worship Welcome Mat
How do you invite the Lord in? Do you usher Him in with a farse, coonery version of worship or an authentic Christ-focused warm welcome?
Before I unveil my position on worship, excuse me if I sound culturally biased and a bit racist of sorts but my belief still remains.
Growing up in a baptist setting, my predisposition towards african-american/gospel music was established as a bass line in my soul. I'm guilty of tapping my foot and bobbing my head to the soulful sounds embedded in the gospel genre. The chasm arrives when an artist begins to spew out lyrics that divide my attention. Singing about your feelings, secular beliefs, misled "truths", hatred towards satan and blessings you're entitled to- to me- don't constitute as an "aroma" that invites One in. It certainly isn't edifying, nor adoring.
I added the above video as a symbol of how Contemporary Christian music has served as a model of bringing the Psalms alive! Song after song is steeped in Spirit-inspired words that seem to be Old Testament verbage laced with melodic and harmonious tunes. What more could God be pleased with and feel adored and edified when His very Word is repeated back to Him massaging the essence of His character? I see Him sitting back in his Righteous Jealousy grinning as the worshipper is caught up in voicing (thus meditating on) His word in song. What an invitation for Him to embrace them in their emotions and evoke Him to move in their situations.
My gospel artist- is it too much to ask that you take time and develop a genuine relationship with the Lord? Possibly get discipled, under the tutelage of a Bible teaching church and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into truth? Shoot...just open up the Psalms! I'm fed up with the "feel-good" music. I'm offended that we as a people are more caught up in what sounds good rather than what inclines the ear of God. I realize this doesn't apply to ALL of you...but our people need truth in their worship. They need to focus less on the moment of worship and more in Who desires to be worshipped. Until then...Selah!
A "Dime Piece" devalued!
This video confirms that women have truly become the "catfish" of humanism. Why do I say this? What God created to be a 'masterpiece' of sorts (appropriately named WO-man) has obviously depreciated in value in the eyes of both "A-dam" and "Eve" from the moment we rolled out of the Garden.
Naturally created as a stunning centerpiece and pedestal upon which men would shine, clearly this video has summarized the common viewpoint of society as we know it in inferring that women are now (at best) the base of an unstable pyramid.
The ignorant guy in this video (who though claims to NOT condone this behavior/treatment of women yet participates in this heresy himself) tries to articulate and sell a flawed system and through his cunning speech is almost convincing but only to the naiive female who lack self esteem. First off, to allow a man to "appreciate" your strengths by keeping you around while he meets his own selfish needs by way of your weaknesses via other women is strike #1. True appreciation comes in acceptance of weaknesses and admiration of flaws.
Second, the reason a guy can even conceive of this plan let alone get away with it (as dim wit as one can be) is because women (stands to be noted again-who devalue themselves) allow it to occur. Strike #2. Men have no clue of how valuable a woman can be to his life. To abuse her girth rather than massage it is a huge caution in the end.
Finally, no woman in her right mind should misunderstand all she has to offer. The powers secretly hidden within our nature are meant to be 'praised' and used for a greater good. In the right hands, they are caressed and adored. Once a woman unlocks this door of understanding and comprehends her true value, she will cringe at the sound of even being considered the title mentioned in this video.
Sorry guy, your flow chart WILL crumble and shame on you for being on top of it and letting this "chic" take the brunt of your foolishness. And girl...shame on you for letting him. You deserve better and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll open up the possibilities for it to occur.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Living Word Women's Conference 2011
Calling all YOUNG ADULT LADIES of LWFC...please check out this video!
The women are hoping YOU are present...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Feed one, Starve the other..
Ever see those starving children in foreign countries exploited on TV? Bones showing, skin frail, weak, hungry, desperate, sickly, susceptible. All because of malnourishment. Its a sad reality.
Now flip the script:
Ever see those figures who pose at Fitness Competitions? Muscle in hidden places, flexing without trying, ripped from head to toe, strong, well fed, poised, under control. All because of training and eating healthy.
Imagine having both of those figures (the helpless starving child and the fitness buff) living inside of you. Well you do! One is called your spirit man and the other is your flesh. Reality is, one is surely stronger than the other.
How did it get that way you ask? Because while we are busy feeding, training and giving disciplined attention to one, the other is sitting by helplessly starving and becoming susceptible to malnutrition.
This sad reality gripped me as I took survey of my own life. My actions, thoughts, words and attitudes reminder to me of which "man" in me is being fed and which is starving.
Either my flesh is becoming a glutton for the unhealthy things I watch, listen to and repetitiously behaviors thus revealing a toned and buff figure who struggles to say "no" to unhealthy desires
my spirit is being given constant and daily nourishment through scripture reading, devos, podcasts, prayer, discipline and fasting (starving my flesh man) and thus yielding a godly woman who wants what God wants and hates what God hates!
I must say I find myself back at the drawing board often because I want so bad for my Spirit man to be buff and my flesh to be frail...but if I dont feed the one AND starve the other, my demise is soon to follow! #truth
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Memoirs of an Abusive Relationship
I was introduced to him
suspect from afar
yet seductive and intense ~ mouth ajar
Wooing and doting;
swag un-parallel
Love and attention,
filling my yearning well
wanting only me
signs unfold
of wreckless jealousy
"Do what I say!" "
Be what I say!"
No moral fence
Each request
never enough,
growing more intense
Now hating myself,
Indulged in addictions
hoping myself to be free
needing to get out ...
abused effortlessly!
Killing my flesh is like leaving an abusive relationship that you hate that you love. It's realizing you've been attached to this person you've grown to love; accustomed to their ways and figuring out that all their actions have been mistaken for intense feelings of care or concernt. Sin habits abuse us physically be slapping us around; emotionally by teasing us and threatening to expose us if we leave; and sexually by raping us through experiences we don't necessarily desire to participate in. The ability to be free in Christ is possible and paid for at a high cost! Killing the pattern feels like escaping an abusive lover. It's necessary and the Spirit who lives inside can keep us free!
suspect from afar
yet seductive and intense ~ mouth ajar
Wooing and doting;
swag un-parallel
Love and attention,
filling my yearning well
wanting only me
signs unfold
of wreckless jealousy
"Do what I say!" "
Be what I say!"
No moral fence
Each request
never enough,
growing more intense
Now hating myself,
Indulged in addictions
hoping myself to be free
needing to get out ...
abused effortlessly!
Killing my flesh is like leaving an abusive relationship that you hate that you love. It's realizing you've been attached to this person you've grown to love; accustomed to their ways and figuring out that all their actions have been mistaken for intense feelings of care or concernt. Sin habits abuse us physically be slapping us around; emotionally by teasing us and threatening to expose us if we leave; and sexually by raping us through experiences we don't necessarily desire to participate in. The ability to be free in Christ is possible and paid for at a high cost! Killing the pattern feels like escaping an abusive lover. It's necessary and the Spirit who lives inside can keep us free!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Crater within
You ever feel like you just HAVE to be with someone?
Be honest with yourself! Survey your life...think back for a second and see if you can remember a time when you were relationally "unemployed" (without a boy/girl friend) BY YOUR OWN CHOICE.
Okay so maybe you have, then ask yourself if during that time, did you have any "dips" on the know (friends with benefits)!?
Well maybe you feel its "just not you" to be without someone. Or that its virtually impossible.
Maybe you don't feel guilty about your 'friends with benefits' because you didn't do anything wrong (just some harmful flirting).
Either way, you're justified. You were created with an internal gap called companionship that longs to fill itself with a companion of some sort. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says God has placed a hole in our hearts that only HE can satisfy. He wants to out-satisfy our desire for companionship. Once we ask him to and He does, he gladly sends people in our lives who come close to doing the same.
Challenge: Take some time off (if you're single) and stop "shopping" for a relationship long enough to dare God to OUT-SATISFY and fill your crater with companionship.
Monday, July 25, 2011
YOU can't do it...
I know you didn't want to hear that, did you?
Yeah, you've been trained to believe:
"You can do anything you put your mind to"
Well, that's not true when it comes to doing what's right in God's eyes.
Try to stop cursing on your own...try to stop being addicted to those things that are destroying you. Yeah, not going to happen. Well, not consistently anyways.
Well here's the truth with the hard core facts:
1. No one seeks after God! NO ONE!
Romans 3:11
2. Your heart is desperatly wicked and deceitful!
Jeremiah 17:9
3. There is NO ONE righteous...not even ONE!
Romans 3:10
4. If a man says he has NO SIN, he is a LIAR ( sinned) and has committed a sin! LOL
1 John 1:10
So use trying to stop all that sinning after all is it? WRONG!
Here's the other part of those hard core facts:
1. It is GOD WHO IS AT WORK IN YOU, to both WILL and WORK for His good purpose.
Philippians 2:13
2. I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
3. God equips us to do right things!
Hebrews 13:21
4. Greater is HE who is IN you.
1 John 4:4
So see people, its NOT about what you do...or stopping your habits yourself. YOU can't do it. God desires to work in you to remove thost things. He wants to change your thinking, capture your heart so that you desire to remove anything that doesn't please Him.
Quietly whisper you desire and need for Him and watch Him develop it in you...start watching yourself shed those habits off like pounds! You cant...but HE can!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Disorder? Really?...try SIN!
I'm so baffled by all this talk about disorders! Every time I turn around, some Psychologist coming up with a new disorder to help someone excuse themselves from dealing with the
Check this out:
Paranoid Disorder- excessive distrust and suspicion of others
Schizoid Disorder- excessive detachment from social relationships
Narcissistic Disorder- excessive need for self-involvement lacking empathy for others
Emotionally Unstable Disorder- impusive actions & chaotic relationships
Dependent Disorder- overly reliance on others
Really tho? I mean who diagnoses people with such seemingly regular issues? I mean who DOESN'T deal with distrust, making relationships work, selfishness, impusivity and reliance on others? We all do on some level. And when we feed those issues/needs...they become excessive.
Let's explore the REAL issue: Sin!
Galatians 5:18-20 says our sinful nature is OBVIOUS!!
"immoral ways, filthy thoughts, shameful deeds, worship of idols, practicing witchcraft, hating others, hard to get along with, jealous fits, angry actions, selfish obsession, constantly arguing and causing trouble!"
Sound familiar?
Lets stop running to man made mental wisdom for answers to issues God created the void in us to fill! Man's wisdom is a joke in comparison to HIS wisdom. He is able to deal with our disorders because He desires to make us whole/complete!
Jesus, PhD, Psychology
It's NOT about Hell...

Lately I've encountered numerous conversations with people who have expressed that they "think" they are going to Hell...(here's the kisser)...because they aren't doing right by God.
Christians (yes, believers) are being miseducated or starved of the truth of the matter. Salvation is NOT about Heaven or Hell. Sadly, it's been degraded and watered down to the "Fire & Brimstone" picture; but salvation is MUCH MORE than that.
We are some twisted individuals! We crave any and everything that God hates! nature! Our love for ourselves and all the putrid things that disgust God inwardly drag us away from wanting anything to do with Him.
Yet, He relentlessly pursues us...
We are saved so that we can be FREE from our own sinful desires! Hell is just a consequence of rejecting Jesus Christ. Heaven (eternity with God) is simply a benefit of trusting Jesus Christ. But on the journey as we wait for Heaven, we are NOT expected to live perfectly as best as we can; we are expected to ask for and rely on the Holy Spirit's power (now within us) to choose to live unselfishly.
Friend! You CAN KNOW that you are saved! (1 John 5:12-13) and that your salvation is SECURE! If God could take salvation back then that means :
1. He's an indian giver (which is against His nature as faithful)
2. He never had the power to save you to begin with....ALSO FALSE!
Check this out! When yo'ure saved, you're given the Holy Spirit as a permanent deposit (almost like a BRAND so He can recognize His kids). So that means you have the power to make impossible choices! You get convicted when you do wrong!
Finally...quit trying to STAY SAVED! You still live in the house with your flesh so while you're still alive you will still struggle with issues and sin. Walk in His grace as He works in you to slowly get rid of sin in your life. Confess quickly and frequently what you did and set up fences around yourself to keep away from falling again. Quit expecting not to ever struggle/fall again!
It's NOT about Hell,...its about the wickedness that dwells inside of you eating away at your sould like a hidden cancer. He wants to save you from THAT! And when you trust Him to...He will give you everything you need to live that out daily...PLUS the bonus of spending eternity with Him!
~Deep Waters
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What's Your Story?

When I think back to my Junior year in college, I am reminded of a semester where I had no money to pay for my classes and books in time without being kicked out of school. I had no choice but to trust God to provide for me.
Thankfully, I had a caring mentor who not only prayed for me, but took action. God laid it on her heart to share my prayer request with people who didn't know me who also took it upon themselves to pray for me. This prompted the hand of God and opened up His floodgates on me. Within 24 hours of finding out my classes would be dropped if I didn't come up with $3,000; my mentor visited me holding an envelope full of checks that more than covered my need. Checks from people who had never seen me and knew nothing about me. God met my needs!
Now, today, some 10 years later I look back at the "stones" I placed there to commemorate what God had done in my personal life. Those stones served as my "story" that I draw upon when faced with an insurmountable issue that challenges my faith.
When my dad passed away last month (May 2011), my family had no life insurance to give him a proper burial. In need of $8,000 my mind and heart were at ease. I could fully expect God to some how, miraculously provide above and beyond our need. I can't, in words, explain my peace of mind but those "stones" laid in the spring of 2000 served as the platform upon which my faith rested. I put my faith into work as I made others aware of my family's need and sat back in hopeful expectation, watching God pour out his riches on my family. In less than a week, we were able to tastefully celebrate my father's homegoing and take care of some of his debts.
This too has served as "stones" that Joshua chapter 4 speaks of..."when my children ask 'What do these stones mean?'" I can speak to God's faithfulness in my life. What is YOUR story?
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Wisdom's Benefits Package

What's the difference between a believer who has accepted Christ as Savior and a believer who has made Christ Lord by utilizing the wisdom He freely gives (James 1:5)? While both have escaped the flames of eternal seperation from God; only one of these believers is granted with a benefits package that secures both their future and their present.
Proverbs 2:1-22 lists all that is offered in the BENEFITS PACKAGE:
*Vision/Eye Insurance: "He promises to ENHANCE our perception of our life, ourself, our situations and others. We can see ourselves from His viewpoint." Imagine WHO we will become when we stop seeing ourselves based on our faults.
*General Coverage: "He promises to keep us from paths that will destroy us. To protect us from relationships that will deter us." We are prone to ANYTHING so don't ever think "I won't do that". Our flesh by default wants to offend God in every way. His wisdom keeps us sane.
*Medical Coverage: "He promises to change our thinking by shaping our thoughts."
*Life Insurange: "He promises to protect our emotions and evil desires"
*Personal Days/Vacations: "He promises to guide my responses to situations and challenges"
All this just for opening ourselves up to HIS wisdom rather than ignoring it, choosing to rely on our own understanding,and/or accepting the world's viewpoint. Sounds like winner!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Lingering Fragrance

Thursday, February 10, 2011
37th Anniversary!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
In love with someone else
Tell me why this girl is wrecking it? Ok that's not what I'm writing about.
Jazmine sings about being in love with another man. Her song is full of soul and emotion in the mood of an apology. Jazmine has realized that though the one man who loves her unconditionally and the way she NEEDS to be loved has showered her with the best and given her more than she could be thankful for, for some reason she is attracted to and "in love" with someone who:
*treats her "so-so"
*doesn't look that great
*doesn't have the best occupation
*she always fights with
She even encourages him to find someone who can reciprocate what he gives and who he is. However, though she is apologetic, she is adamant about what (or who rather) she wants. She makes it clear that her "other man" is her CHOICE.
As believers its easy to "be in love with someone else" other than the ONE who relentlessly loves and chases us. The ONE who demonstrated the greatest form of love (laying down His life). We are created with a desire to choose and given the will to do so. Ironically we ache for His love and are so unable to comprehend the brevity of its fulfillment that we chase after "other things" in vain.
Our Lover will NOT accept our apologies, nor will He go looking for someone who is worthy of His love. He will, however pursue us and allow His Spirit to do the drawing. And as relentless as He can be...the choice will be OURS!
The Grass is...oops I mean the Snow is always Whiter...

Ever heard that phrase:
"The grass is always greener on the other side"
Well with our upcoming "frost", many (including myself) are anticipating some snow. What comes with snow in Houston?...ICE! Yes...I would even welcome the ice if it meant we could stay in bed and not have a work/school day. I mean "think about the kids" they shouldn't have to ride the bus on those icy streets...something could happen to them. Now we wouldn't want that would we? And lets say they get trapped at school and their parents come retrieve them. Which is why I suggest we just stay home! Hey it makes for a 3 day weekend (possibly 4) and much time to cuddle (although I only have my pillows to cuddle with).
But lets say we DO postpone (shutdown) school for 1-2 days. There's always that evil word no one likes to hear: "Inclement Weather Make-up Days" BOOOOOO!!! YUCK!! No one wants EXTRA days (that were supposed to be off-days) in school when the sun is out and all you can think about is "if it wasn't for those stupid snow/ice days we'd be sitting at home today with no kids".
So which side is greener...oops I mean "whiter"? Taking the days NOW or LATER? Hmmm...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
One thing led to another

Ok so I'm particular about things being structured and organized and well thought out, right?
So last year I was like "I'm gonna help these missionaries & make sure they are prepared for their trip next year". And I'm not so sure I realized what I was getting myself into. I set out to design a curriculum for them to deliver when they traveled and ended up also planning a curriculum for training them. Then got muscled into facilitating the training.
Well I did my research on VBS curriculum and tried to use my teaching skills to take the "invented wheel" and tweek it for contextualized purposes and to say the least...THAT is a task in and of itself.
Well todayy was my first day executing the first of three trainings and well "I'm not one to toot my own fladooginhoogin" but it was quite fun and engaging if I do say so myself!
I had the trainees open up with a memory verse game, then followed that with a game called "Minefield" where they had to lead each other through a minefield while their partner wore a blindfold. That was hilarious. Our debriefing of that activity served its purpose to help them connect their actions with that of missions.
Next they did a bible search matching activity and unfolded God's heart for missions and finally we ended with a crafty session making Gospel bracelets. I must say, I can't wait to facilitate my 2nd session next month.
In the mean time, designing a VBS curriculum is a bit more tedious and I'm only 1/5 of the way done. But the thought of what's left to plan, keeps me excited & who knows...maybe my gifts and desires to be a teacher who teaches other teaches best practices is well on its way.
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