When I think back to my Junior year in college, I am reminded of a semester where I had no money to pay for my classes and books in time without being kicked out of school. I had no choice but to trust God to provide for me.
Thankfully, I had a caring mentor who not only prayed for me, but took action. God laid it on her heart to share my prayer request with people who didn't know me who also took it upon themselves to pray for me. This prompted the hand of God and opened up His floodgates on me. Within 24 hours of finding out my classes would be dropped if I didn't come up with $3,000; my mentor visited me holding an envelope full of checks that more than covered my need. Checks from people who had never seen me and knew nothing about me. God met my needs!
Now, today, some 10 years later I look back at the "stones" I placed there to commemorate what God had done in my personal life. Those stones served as my "story" that I draw upon when faced with an insurmountable issue that challenges my faith.
When my dad passed away last month (May 2011), my family had no life insurance to give him a proper burial. In need of $8,000 my mind and heart were at ease. I could fully expect God to some how, miraculously provide above and beyond our need. I can't, in words, explain my peace of mind but those "stones" laid in the spring of 2000 served as the platform upon which my faith rested. I put my faith into work as I made others aware of my family's need and sat back in hopeful expectation, watching God pour out his riches on my family. In less than a week, we were able to tastefully celebrate my father's homegoing and take care of some of his debts.
This too has served as "stones" that Joshua chapter 4 speaks of..."when my children ask 'What do these stones mean?'" I can speak to God's faithfulness in my life. What is YOUR story?