Monday, July 25, 2011

YOU can't do it...

I know you didn't want to hear that, did you? Yeah, you've been trained to believe: "You can do anything you put your mind to" Well, that's not true when it comes to doing what's right in God's eyes. Try to stop cursing on your own...try to stop being addicted to those things that are destroying you. Yeah, not going to happen. Well, not consistently anyways. Well here's the truth with the hard core facts: 1. No one seeks after God! NO ONE! Romans 3:11 2. Your heart is desperatly wicked and deceitful! Jeremiah 17:9 3. There is NO ONE righteous...not even ONE! Romans 3:10 4. If a man says he has NO SIN, he is a LIAR ( sinned) and has committed a sin! LOL 1 John 1:10 So use trying to stop all that sinning after all is it? WRONG! Here's the other part of those hard core facts: 1. It is GOD WHO IS AT WORK IN YOU, to both WILL and WORK for His good purpose. Philippians 2:13 2. I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 3. God equips us to do right things! Hebrews 13:21 4. Greater is HE who is IN you. 1 John 4:4 So see people, its NOT about what you do...or stopping your habits yourself. YOU can't do it. God desires to work in you to remove thost things. He wants to change your thinking, capture your heart so that you desire to remove anything that doesn't please Him. Quietly whisper you desire and need for Him and watch Him develop it in you...start watching yourself shed those habits off like pounds! You cant...but HE can!

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