"The heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" ~Jeremiah 17:9
On Wisteria Lane lives a handful of women who daily work through domestic struggles, while dealing with secrets (their own and those of their neighbors), and crimes hidden behind closed doors. Meanwhile, at the surface their homes are beautiful and seemingly perfect as they are decked in pearls, trendy outfits, and driving acceptable cars. How desperate is that?
Deceiving people into believing that your life is happy when inside all you feel is emptyness all for the sake of appearances IS INDEED, a desperate move.
People who feen for something will stoop to desperate measures to fulfill their desires.
To be desperate is to have little or no hope, to be in an extremely bad and/or dangerous situation or state.
Much like the prime time soap opera, our heart is referred to as "desperate" in Jeremiah 17:9. Its not enough that the prophet conveys how wicked and deceitful it is, fooling us to believe we are one way when we really aren't; but it goes beyond that and states that its wicked! No where in our heart is there a palpable pulse for good! In fact, our heart, like a drug feen, would kill and rob in order to fulfill its need for wickedness! Our heart has little or no hope, it is truly in an extremely bad and dangerous state and cannot be trusted!
So then, where does this leave us? Are we really to 'follow our hearts'? Are our emotions (which flow from our hearts) a trustworthy tourguide through life's decisions? I contend that the ONLY person we "give our hearts to" should be the Lord. And not in the conventional, lovey-dovey sense, but because He is the ONLY HOPE worth resuscitating it and who the only ONE who "really knows how bad it is".
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