Fourteen years ago, I went on a date with a guy. It was no ordinary date. We were taken to a midtown upscale restaurant (where there are no prices on the menu- just to indicate how expensive this place was). We were escorted around town in a limo and ended the night with a carriage ride downtown. All of this took place with a camera man who followed us around and later turned our night into a videography compilation. It was quite a night! On the way home, I remember my date asking me if I'd like to see him again, on a less "high-profile" scene...bowling. I declined.
Years later, this same guy sent me a series of text messages and asked me to small brunch places, jazz spots and the like every now and then. Although I accepted, when he tried to continue his advances, I abruptly put a stop to it.
Years went by and I received yet another text, asking to accompany him to a basketball game (I love basketball) and I did. But when he exposed his intentions, I drew back and shut him off.
Months later, I even went so far as to send a text to the guy I was in fact seeing/courting explaining to him how repulsed and agitated I was about this guy who seemed to be 'stalking' me. Yet, on accident I sent the text to THE GUY himself. Yes, he received this nasty text that was intended for someone else and I felt about a half inch tall. I was super embarrassed. So much so that I had to call him and apologize for my rude behavior...and yet still found a way to tell him LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Here's the kicker...the next time I saw him- he treated me with such kindness I felt as if I was being punked. Surely he should have flicked me off or ignored me after what I had done, but no! He treated me as if my rude behavior and pushing him away didn't offend him at all.
A year or two went by and I received a surprise delivery at my job. It was a large order of chocolate covered strawberries (and other fruit) along with a bouquet of chocolate covered fruit. After sharing some with my office staff, I sent a text thanking ...yes HIM...for this random yet sweet gift. I was told that wasn't it. I was being given two complimentary tickets to see Brian McKnight (my favorite singer) in concert and could take whomever I wanted. Smitten, yet unwilling to lead him on, I declined. But later I was talked into conceding and we attended the concert together. However, I did my best to let him know this wasn't headed anywhere so he needed to back off.
Now by this point you may be thinking, "Kim are you crazy?" or "What is wrong with you girl!?"
Honestly, I can't answer that. I would have starred at you with deer-in-headlights-eyes because I didn't know what was wrong with myself either. All I knew was that this sweet guy, who has a huge heart and is quite attractive...well...I just wasn't interested in him. I had no good excuse as to why, I just wasn't. For fourteen years, I pushed him away as he seemingly relentlessly pursued me.
Not long ago, this same guy kept crossing my mind and somehow I wasn't compelled to dismiss the thoughts of him. Out of no where it seemed, he began to hang around in my thoughts and for whatever reason, I didn't find the thoughts dismissive nor was I repelled by the thought of him. I actually found myself intrigued; eager to see him and curious of his "goings-on". I was actually more appalled by this new train of thought and attitude than anything else. Where did this come from? Why now? How did I go from 'cold-turkey' to 'fire and desire' it seemed?
I'm still not sure what the answer to those questions are, but I do know that it taught me a valuable object lesson about the mannerisms and nature of our Savior.
Psalm 139 is a great layout of how intentionally God pursues us! Yes you! Do you know He is chasing you? He is putting people in your path to talk about Him; He is strategically placing loving people in your life to demonstrate His love for you; He is blessing you when you don't deserve it. He is ready and willing to forgive your sins and remember them no more! He is in tune with your thoughts, your fears, your joys and whereabouts (vs 1-4).
Then much like this guy seemed to be there every time I turned around, asking for a chance to be around me, so is God- so very near (vs 7-8). You might think He is disgusted by your actions or thoughts, but He's there regardless of you. It's like He's looking past all of YOU and waiting!
Verses 15-18 go on to talk about how He thinks of us, so intimately and intricately. And it ends with such a smitten undertone by saying "how precious are your thoughts about me...".
Who can't be drawn to such a pursuit? Yet Romans 3:10-11 says we aren't even seeking God. As a matter of fact, we are running in the opposite direction, shunning His every advance! Sound familiar? Yea, my actions weren't much different from how we treat a God who woes us, daily. Quite honestly, my actions personified how we treat Him. With disdain, offense, repulsed by His presence and constantly pushing Him away.
May His Spirit draw us as it says in John 6:44. Much like that day when those thoughts crossed my mind in a new way- I was awaken to his pursuit. May we wake up to the Lord's pursuit of us and find ourselves not only un-bothered by His presence but desiring it.
Take a look around, then take a deeper look into your life. What evidence of His pursuit of you do you see? Will you continue to ignore it or tell Him to leave you alone- desiring to stay put in your comfort of singleness (not needing Him, afraid of "religion" or unbelief)? Or will you accept His advances and engage in a relationship with Him by trusting His Son Jesus as your pardon for sin? He's knocking on the door of your heart (Rev 3:20)- will you let Him in?
What about YOU, my friend- who HAS accepted Jesus as Savior? He's still pursuing you- now He desires Lordship in your life. Yes, He still chases your heart too. Desiring you to frequently seek forgiveness and repentance for the times we fall prey to our flesh daily. He's woo-ing us to spend consistent time with Him in His love letter (the bible) (Psalm 5:3). Are you smitten by His pursuit!?
What a beautiful challenge for both you and I! To know the Creator of the World, intentionally and intimately pursues us. Let's not push Him away!
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