I read this story yesterday about a young lady (who happens to be a Baylor Bear #sicem) that was on a trip (outside of the country) and lost her phone (which held important info and was her contact to her family). She prayed it would be found, but after a few days got comfortable with the thought that it might be lost forever. The guy who found it threatened (to another person) he would not return it unless "God told him to" and later himself confessed (both to the confidant and eventually to the young lady) that somehow he was moved to return it. Upon returning it, he asked about this "GOD" she believed in and later trusted Christ as his Savior. I was amazed at how God could use such a small "loss" to impact a life.
Well I have a trip out of the country scheduled in a few weeks and was getting my papers in order when I realized my passport was misplaced. Frantic to find out that it was NOT in the files that I keep all my important documents in, I ran through my (terrible) memory to try and think back to where else it could possibly be? Got my sister in on the search as we ruffled through box upon box in my garage. Nothing!
Late Sunday night, I happened to be up praying for a friend of mine and the Lord put the whole passport business on my heart. I let out a sign and without words simply thought "Lord, if you could just help me find my passport it would be great b/c I really don't want to pay all of this money". I fell asleep within a minute of that thought.
SO...today after work, I took care of the passport photo and with reluctance, dialed the number to the company. The guy on the phone said..."Since you don't have your documents in front of you, why don't you call me back when you get home." When I arrived home, I prepared collected my documents and something said, 'just go look through all those boxes one more time'.
So I summoned the assistance of my brother this time. Went out into the garage, and immediately my an old purse caught my eye. It was sitting open on top of one of the boxes. (Now mind you, my sister and I shuffled through these very boxes two days prior). I went straight to the purse and stuck my hand in ...the passport was sitting right inside!
When I tell you a burden has been lifted!!?? *shaking my head. The former story of the young lady who loss her phone was an encouragement to me to pray about my passport. I pray I can pay it forward and my testimony will spur YOU on towards praying for something (seemingly small) and watching God move on your behalf!
Lesson Take-away(s):
1. God hears even the little things we pray for. Nothing is "little" or trite to Him. Trust Him with it.
2. Details are important to Him. He orchestrated the timing, the calls I made and even is responsible for the thoughts I had to pray about it and to go back and search...more specifically the purse!
3. God has purpose in everything He does...especially if that purpose is to cause us to lift Him up!
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