Saturday, January 9, 2016

Follow the ants...

As I sat in the car repair shop waiting to get my brakes changed, I was distracted by something I found interesting.

Initially I was disturbed when I looked down at my feet and saw a trail of ants, after all I regularly come to this same location for its cleanliness, timeliness and the efficient work they do at a reasonable price. It was obvious however, they had not vacuumed their carpet mat the night before, because crumbs from the cookies they serve, were waisted by some customers' kid and the ants had scouted the small mess and began their journey. I saw two or three carrying their own remnant of the crumb pile and it led me into what turned into an hour of watching them go back and forth diligently storing food.

My plans to get some work done were thwarted primarily because the Internet had gone down at the place and so I allowed myself to get swept up into watching these ants labor. I couldn't help but notice they weren't distracted by the busyness of the carpet fabrics or even placement of the cart I had rolled in and sat not far from their path. Why weren't they crawling up the coffee table or the chairs that stood in their path? Right then in there, I learned a valuable lesson about ants...they ARE, in fact, very diligent workers.

I realized, then, why God uses so many scriptures in Proverbs (the book of wise advice) to teach us about diligence, strength and wisdom. These seemingly small and weak creatures possess a work ethic that is worth emulating. I began to think about my goals and the purposes God has for me...represented by the path and pile of crumbs the ants pursued. Then my mind traveled to the distractions that easily get me off of my path which can include anything from vain material desires/pursuits to sin (Hebrews 12:1-2 calls it the sin that so easily entangles us).

These thoughts humbled me...and taught me the ants were making a trail more than just for food...they were creating a path that we, as Believers, should follow!

"go to the ant, o sluggard, consider her ways and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest." Proverbs 6:6-8

"The ants are not a strong creature, yet they provide their food in the summer." Proverbs 30:24-25

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