I will post the recipe link below, but not only did it take a lot of work, the prep work was overwhelming!
The chopping.
The marinating.
The sautéing.
Will it ever end!!!???
Not to mention, I had to make a dry rub of Emeril's Essence Creole Seasoning! Who has time for that? Why can't I just use the Nature's Seasoning? Don't act brand new, you know that stuff go hard!
The interesting turn to this story is, my first batch was a HIT! And not by own words or taste buds. I invited some friends over and took the risk of trying it out on them. Freeloaders are always honest! Needless to say, although I was intentional about cooking and sticking to the recipe, the results were unintentionally surprising!
When my father passed in 2011, my mother purposefully titled his Home Going service, "Leaving a Godly Legacy". I was puzzled at first as to why she was so adamant about that being the theme. I mean I never knew daddy to talk about leaving a legacy behind with his kids. However, as the years have passed, I've seen the evidence of his life reflected in the small every day things. As I watch my own dating habits, I see myself thinking about whether my daddy (parents for that matter b/c they provided a united front) approve. I see my oldest brother seek to lead his wife and teach his son. I watch my younger brother serve faithfully at church, and over-hear him having his devotional time in his room each morning. I marvel at all the ways my dad must have played a role in these behaviors.
Although I'm sure he was intentional about his family members intimately knowing the Lord, what really reached God's heart wasn't his actions so much as His prayers.
God tells us that we need not focus so much on "behaving rightly" before him. What's key is turning our hearts towards Him.
"He is working in you. God is helping you obey Him. God is doing what He wants done in you."
(Phil 2:13)
He knows that when we intentional focus on giving Him our hearts, He will steer our behavior. James 1 states it perfectly,
So leaving a legacy and being a godly example isn't really about intentionally making plans to do the right thing, striving after financial security for our families living right before people. What we are to be intentional about is submitting to the Lord (our hearts, thoughts and will), daily and consistently. This daily dying to the plans we have and taking up His (based on what's written in His love letter to us) puts His plan into action in our lives.
Recently a friend texted me asking me to pray for her. Her desire was that she would be a great example to those who look up to her. I immediately empathized with her as that's always silently been my prayer. I shared with my friend that I wouldn't pray for her to be an example. I would pray that she seeks God for wisdom. He WILL give it to her, and when she makes wise decisions consistently, those who look up to her will be in awe...NOT OF HER, BUT OF GOD!
God intentionally causes us to be an example to others. He intentionally leaves the legacy (financially, spiritually and mentally) for us.
People begged me for years to make that recipe again (click on the link). I was never able to recreate it, no matter how hard I tried. I was probably trying too hard!!! Don't worry about intentionally trying to leave a legacy nor be an example; God will take care of your legacy (it will occur unintentionally) when you're intentional about loving God with all your heart, mind and soul.
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