It still awes me, to walk outside early in the morning and see the clouds sitting low over the grass. Even after for years, having taught the science concept of condensation to 5th graders, I'm still convinced that God's creation is amazing!
The fact that the clouds come down from the sky and sit among the very place that we walk! The very clouds that we can only see when we board a plane and exceed thousands of feet above ground, descend that same distance and sit in our midst in the early hours of the day. Those clouds bring moisture to the grass and become a source of refreshing and growth to the earth.
What a beautiful reflection of Gods heart for us. Though He sits high and looks low, He desires to commune with us so He sent His Son Jesus to earth to walk among us and pave for us the road to live forever with Him. He didn't stop there however, He sent His Spirit to live in us so He could dwell with us, comfort us in difficult times, be our strength when we need to obey Him, console us when we hurt and disciple us when we need direction. He isn't some far off God, he is the symbolism of the clouds sitting among us to shed His fresh dew on our lives for His glory!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Is abstinence even possible?
So often I think about my singleness and although I know what scripture says and I often see my season as a blessing; I can't deny that sometimes I view it as a punishment! As a woman, but more so as a human with urges I ponder on how in the world does God expect me to refrain from having sex? Why would he give his creation desires and then withhold it from them? Is it even possible to be abstinent or practice celibacy?
I'm not complaining, I'm just divulging my thoughts to you. He knows my thoughts and understands that I don't fully understand His ways. And let me say that even when I don't understand Him completely, I trust him entirely! For Him to say "hope deferred makes the heart sick" in Proverbs 13:12 helps me know he gets my situation.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not inclined to get married just so I can satisfy the longings I have...I know that's not the answer. But I won't deny that often times I connect the two and wish I could escape these urges through the vehicle of marriage.
James MacDonald says, "When God tells us 'DONT', what He's saying is 'Don't hurt yourself'." Living in abstinence has been a constant mind shaping exercise for the past 30 plus years. It's battling between my natural need for sex and my conviction to uphold God's command! But at the end of the day, its allowing God to shape my thinking & as a result, being convinced that God desires me to learn the discipline of self control!
Chuck Swindoll makes this powerful statement:
"One of the greatest character traits you can provide your husband, wife, or family is self-control. Determine to stay strong." I love this because one of the leading causes for divorce is cheating. Spouses get furious when their significant others is unfaithful. But how futile to expect someone who has never practiced self control to all of a sudden break a habit because they've recited vows. It's much deeper than that. Abstinence practiced as a single will have its rewards long after marriage and even when/if one never gets married!
I wish I could restrain from indulging in my desire with my own strength. But how weary we become when in weakness we fail. What guilt and burden we carry when we find His commands impossible! I'm thankful that Matthew 11:30 says I can throw my weakness and the guilt and burden it carries with it, on Him! And even better, that in return He will give me the mind to see that self control practiced in my single life will be much appreciated in my marriage when infidelity tempts me! He will give me the strength to run from (not only temptation that dangles in front of me) but the very strong desires that arouse within me! This yolk, in contrast, is easy and light for it carries intangibles such as joy, peace and protection.
Abstinence may not be your struggle; but whatever your weakness is when it comes to obeying God, keep in mind these 3 things:
1. When God sets precepts, He does so for our safety!
2. His commands are not burdensome, it only seems that way when we are slaves to our flesh.
3. God desires to empower you to obey Him, He doesn't expect you to do so in your own strength.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Big deal and little things
Beyonce made a song a few years ago where she refers to their issues as "Big deals" and "little things" by singing, "Stop making a big deal out of the little things because I got big deals and I got litle things"
Have you ever lost something small like the back of an earring or a contact that fell on the floor? The semi-traumatic experience seems like a big deal at the time even though the item is just a little thing in theory. Have you ever misplaced your cell phone or set of keys and your whole world stopped over something so little in stature? But in essence that little thing carries such a big value that you are frozen in time trying to figure out how to make it to the next moment because you're so sure you just cannot go on.
I'm sure we all have some big deals as well as some things we consider little things. We may even have some little things that we consider big deals. Regardless of the "thing" or the "deal", God comforts us in His Word with these words:
"Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered" ~Luke 12:7
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" ~Matthew 6:26
Two very common scriptures that have very critical underlying meanings. Everything is little to God, so we can trust Him with the things we deem insignificant especially if He keeps up with the hairs that make up our head when our hair constantly sheds. Things that don't even hold our attention, appeal to his.
Lately, I've been journaling about my "little things" like helping me be influential and impactful on my job. To me, a big deal would be getting the job. But after that, I tend to think I got the rest! But no, I've been praying about Him being the reason why I'm successful. Not so much bringing me success, but something as minute as my effectiveness in doing my job. I throw my college degree and training out the window and chose to rely on Him to help me build relationships and make impactful connections. That way when success occurs, I cannot take acclaim for it. I can give Him all the glory.
I've had a few friends commit recently to ask God for seemingly little things in relation to their jobs as well. Things that ordinarily aren't feasible within a district. Yet the past few days they've blown up my phone with reports of praise on how God made it so they could have those impossibilities. I can't help but glow at the attention to detail God showed to their prayers. So today when I encountered some small seemingly meaningless relational and vocational victories, I had no choice but to marvel at how He paid attention to my little things and made it His big deal!
Have you ever lost something small like the back of an earring or a contact that fell on the floor? The semi-traumatic experience seems like a big deal at the time even though the item is just a little thing in theory. Have you ever misplaced your cell phone or set of keys and your whole world stopped over something so little in stature? But in essence that little thing carries such a big value that you are frozen in time trying to figure out how to make it to the next moment because you're so sure you just cannot go on.
I'm sure we all have some big deals as well as some things we consider little things. We may even have some little things that we consider big deals. Regardless of the "thing" or the "deal", God comforts us in His Word with these words:
"Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered" ~Luke 12:7
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" ~Matthew 6:26
Two very common scriptures that have very critical underlying meanings. Everything is little to God, so we can trust Him with the things we deem insignificant especially if He keeps up with the hairs that make up our head when our hair constantly sheds. Things that don't even hold our attention, appeal to his.
Lately, I've been journaling about my "little things" like helping me be influential and impactful on my job. To me, a big deal would be getting the job. But after that, I tend to think I got the rest! But no, I've been praying about Him being the reason why I'm successful. Not so much bringing me success, but something as minute as my effectiveness in doing my job. I throw my college degree and training out the window and chose to rely on Him to help me build relationships and make impactful connections. That way when success occurs, I cannot take acclaim for it. I can give Him all the glory.
I've had a few friends commit recently to ask God for seemingly little things in relation to their jobs as well. Things that ordinarily aren't feasible within a district. Yet the past few days they've blown up my phone with reports of praise on how God made it so they could have those impossibilities. I can't help but glow at the attention to detail God showed to their prayers. So today when I encountered some small seemingly meaningless relational and vocational victories, I had no choice but to marvel at how He paid attention to my little things and made it His big deal!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Why Jesus?
I ate at one of Pappas' chains called "Pappas Meat Co" recently and was greatly satisfied. I had already been going on 6 hours of starvation (1st world problems) when my friend suggested we eat at this restaurant. Having been to all the other Pappas chain restaurants (Pappasitos, Pappadeauxs, and Pappas BarBQ) and greatly approved, I had no choice but to comply. After all, the excellence in their presentation, food and service at other chains only meant this one could't disappoint. And it didn't. When the waiter brought my friend's chicken fried chicken smothered in country gravy atop mashed potatoes, I was overwhelmed. I was already googly eyed over my enlarged pork chop sauteed with mushrooms atop mashed potatoes. My hunger drove me to eat off of both of our plates (and I don't typically ask for other's food, because I don't like to share my food...don't judge me!)
What causes your stomach to growl for meals three (or more- no judgements) times a day? What causes your glands to salivate over the generous portion of pork that the waiter brings to your table? Why is it you feel the need to unbotton your pants when you have fed your face to capacity and you can't even order dessert without feeling like a glutton?
It starts with a void called hunger. A natural feeling spurred by a gland in our brain. It triggers a growling in the pit of our stomachs. This same gland in our brains produces salivation in our mouths and gets us more giddy than a toddler when he sees his mommy coming with a bottle. Finally satiety is the stuffed feeling we achieve when the void has been filled and the gland tells us "that's enough...for now".
An article entitled How your brain signals your body's need for food puts it this way, "How a food smells, what it looks like, and how you remember it tasting excite chemicals within your brain."
It troubles me that I hear, via social media, so many Christians sound just like the world in their responses to injustice and trending topics. I even catch myself questioning my own motives and intentions from time to time only to find that my own desires mimic those of my neighbors (those who have NOT trusted Christ). Why should people desire to feast on (try) the Lord when we have not stirred up a hunger in them?
Don't get me wrong, we are not responsible for creating the hunger or void they should have for the Lord, He has already done that.
Romans 1 talks about how people instinctively know God exists and instead of worshipping Him for who He is, they instead choose to worship what God has made. This presents an inferred statement: people know how to worship, they were created with the longing to do so. God created us to know Him and worship Him. So He created the desire in us for Him. He is the gland in the brain that triggers the stomach for feeding time.
As Believers, its our job to be the waiters and bring Jesus to the table on a platter. He should look like a smothered and sauteed pork chop to those who love meat. To those who love vegetables, He should look like a beatifully arranged medley of beans stewed together in a chili with Spring Pesto garnished with parsley or cilantro.
2 Corinthians 5:18-20 says "...And God has given us the task of reconciling people to Him...We are Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us." (NIV)
How we present Him is everything to those who are hungry (and they ARE hungry). So when we take a natural vantage point at our approach to financial gain, political unrest, social injustice and personal mistreatment, we don't give unbelievers a reason to ask "Why Jesus?" When we retaliate, treat those who choose their lifestyles as if they're outcasts, or chase after monetary gain, our plate looks repulsive to the hungry.
I recently did an inventory of my heart because I had been looking at the "things" of others (the cars, houses, positions, relationships) and it was causing me to press God for His hand ("gimme gimme gimme"). Then I read 1 Timothy 6:6 and its surrounding scriptures. I was rebuked because I realized that chasing after financial gain was telling God I did not trust His purpose for my life. He plainly said chasing these things would bring temptations and eventually plunging into darkness. Not having these things, but chasing them. He reminded me that He could bring those desires but I should never forsake loving people, chasing after doing His work and a generous spirit (godliness) in effort to have them. These things coupled with contentment would be a greater gain than financial security in money and things. After all, when I leave this world, I can't take those things with me. This seemingly awkard approach to living should and will spark curiosity in people who are chasing "things" and cause them to wonder, "Why is she so devoted to godliness and integrity, while everyone else is running after riches?"
Why is this important?
When we love people and treat them with respect, generosity, with no hidden agenda...we create in them curiosity. Why is this person not rejecting me like everyone else? Why is this employer kind when others are cut-throat? Why is this colleague showing interest in me when others are more focused on their productivity? Why is this employee walking in integrity when they could easily steal time and money like others?
Like the article said, "How we 'smell', what we look like and what people remember of us...will (can) excite them to desire Jesus." But remember, it can also repulse them. Let's be a fragrance and taste that brings people to try Jesus. He will surely grant satiety, for fullness is found in ONLY Him. Our different and often unorthodox approach to living (accrued by reading and living His principles) will stir up this hunger in those in our sphere of influence.
What causes your stomach to growl for meals three (or more- no judgements) times a day? What causes your glands to salivate over the generous portion of pork that the waiter brings to your table? Why is it you feel the need to unbotton your pants when you have fed your face to capacity and you can't even order dessert without feeling like a glutton?
It starts with a void called hunger. A natural feeling spurred by a gland in our brain. It triggers a growling in the pit of our stomachs. This same gland in our brains produces salivation in our mouths and gets us more giddy than a toddler when he sees his mommy coming with a bottle. Finally satiety is the stuffed feeling we achieve when the void has been filled and the gland tells us "that's enough...for now".
An article entitled How your brain signals your body's need for food puts it this way, "How a food smells, what it looks like, and how you remember it tasting excite chemicals within your brain."
It troubles me that I hear, via social media, so many Christians sound just like the world in their responses to injustice and trending topics. I even catch myself questioning my own motives and intentions from time to time only to find that my own desires mimic those of my neighbors (those who have NOT trusted Christ). Why should people desire to feast on (try) the Lord when we have not stirred up a hunger in them?
Don't get me wrong, we are not responsible for creating the hunger or void they should have for the Lord, He has already done that.
Romans 1 talks about how people instinctively know God exists and instead of worshipping Him for who He is, they instead choose to worship what God has made. This presents an inferred statement: people know how to worship, they were created with the longing to do so. God created us to know Him and worship Him. So He created the desire in us for Him. He is the gland in the brain that triggers the stomach for feeding time.
As Believers, its our job to be the waiters and bring Jesus to the table on a platter. He should look like a smothered and sauteed pork chop to those who love meat. To those who love vegetables, He should look like a beatifully arranged medley of beans stewed together in a chili with Spring Pesto garnished with parsley or cilantro.
2 Corinthians 5:18-20 says "...And God has given us the task of reconciling people to Him...We are Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us." (NIV)
How we present Him is everything to those who are hungry (and they ARE hungry). So when we take a natural vantage point at our approach to financial gain, political unrest, social injustice and personal mistreatment, we don't give unbelievers a reason to ask "Why Jesus?" When we retaliate, treat those who choose their lifestyles as if they're outcasts, or chase after monetary gain, our plate looks repulsive to the hungry.
I recently did an inventory of my heart because I had been looking at the "things" of others (the cars, houses, positions, relationships) and it was causing me to press God for His hand ("gimme gimme gimme"). Then I read 1 Timothy 6:6 and its surrounding scriptures. I was rebuked because I realized that chasing after financial gain was telling God I did not trust His purpose for my life. He plainly said chasing these things would bring temptations and eventually plunging into darkness. Not having these things, but chasing them. He reminded me that He could bring those desires but I should never forsake loving people, chasing after doing His work and a generous spirit (godliness) in effort to have them. These things coupled with contentment would be a greater gain than financial security in money and things. After all, when I leave this world, I can't take those things with me. This seemingly awkard approach to living should and will spark curiosity in people who are chasing "things" and cause them to wonder, "Why is she so devoted to godliness and integrity, while everyone else is running after riches?"
Why is this important?
When we love people and treat them with respect, generosity, with no hidden agenda...we create in them curiosity. Why is this person not rejecting me like everyone else? Why is this employer kind when others are cut-throat? Why is this colleague showing interest in me when others are more focused on their productivity? Why is this employee walking in integrity when they could easily steal time and money like others?
Like the article said, "How we 'smell', what we look like and what people remember of us...will (can) excite them to desire Jesus." But remember, it can also repulse them. Let's be a fragrance and taste that brings people to try Jesus. He will surely grant satiety, for fullness is found in ONLY Him. Our different and often unorthodox approach to living (accrued by reading and living His principles) will stir up this hunger in those in our sphere of influence.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
"No means No!"
"No" is probably one of the most negatively used words in conversation:
We use it to turn down potential suitors.
We use it to deny services to others.
We use it to refuse being treated certain ways.
My parents used to say no to us (my siblings) whenever we took trips to the grocery store and begged for something that were coincidentally NOT on the grocery list (the list we never knew existed). They would caution us (my older sister and I) against guys who were interested in us, tell us when we couldn't spend Friday nights at football games with our friends or what we couldn't wear to school or church. It's almost like they didn't want us to have anything we wanted.
No, No, No!!!
Recently, I've had various opportunities cross my path and I pursued them all while seeking the guidance and wisdom of God. On some of those occasions, God's answer was a resounding "NO!"
How could I tell? It's generally pretty obvious. Doors close and seemingly possible things end up turning out as closed options. Now I'm sure you're door is ever really closed. You just need to push through it until you find a way! Right? Wrong! That's not always the case.
Sometimes God uses closed doors (things not working out, options no longer available or out of our abilities) to say "no". And if any no is okay and deemed as 'positive', it's God's "NO". See, we are so used to "no" having a negative connotation that we reject "no's" we receive in life before checking to see if the no is from the Lord.
When God says "Yes", generally its in His timing and happens pretty immediate or in spite of obstacles being in the way. It's evident through opening of seemingly impossible doors (what would normally not happen for others, happens for you).
When God says "No", He could be saying "not now" or "I have something better for you, just wait!"
What's the common thread? "Good gifts"...they come to us from our Father. So if He says "no", its' because He knows best and He knows the gift was not good for us (or not yet)! What a promise!! What a relief to trust that just when we are getting all huffy over all of the closed doors and impossible avenues, that He is simply looking out for our best! He wants the "Yes" to reveal his good and perfect gifts!
When my parents told me they didn't want me hanging with this one guy who was interested in me, in high school, I remember being so upset with them. Why wouldn't they let me choose my own boyfriend? Didn't they trust me? I could have pushed past their ruling and saw him behind their backs, but I didn't...I was obedient. I later found out some dangerous things about this guy and where he was headed because of it and I remember thinking to myself, "I wonder if my parents knew about what he was involved in." Whether they did or didn't, I was protected because of their "no".
If my parents know how to protect me from the things I want, how much more will my Heavenly Father know how to protect me from what I think is best for me? That's what Matthew 7 is referring to. How much more is He able to discern the seasons of our lives when certain "gifts" are good for us? How much more is He able to bring promotion, financial freedom, spouses, children, fulfill dreams and so much more?
I don't like "no's" anymore than you do; but don't try to push past His "No" and overpower His will (that's spiritual rape) with your own agenda! Learn to take a different perspective on "No's" from God; if we do, we will reap the benefits of His protection, provisions and peace!!
We use it to turn down potential suitors.
We use it to deny services to others.
We use it to refuse being treated certain ways.
My parents used to say no to us (my siblings) whenever we took trips to the grocery store and begged for something that were coincidentally NOT on the grocery list (the list we never knew existed). They would caution us (my older sister and I) against guys who were interested in us, tell us when we couldn't spend Friday nights at football games with our friends or what we couldn't wear to school or church. It's almost like they didn't want us to have anything we wanted.
No, No, No!!!
Recently, I've had various opportunities cross my path and I pursued them all while seeking the guidance and wisdom of God. On some of those occasions, God's answer was a resounding "NO!"
How could I tell? It's generally pretty obvious. Doors close and seemingly possible things end up turning out as closed options. Now I'm sure you're door is ever really closed. You just need to push through it until you find a way! Right? Wrong! That's not always the case.
Sometimes God uses closed doors (things not working out, options no longer available or out of our abilities) to say "no". And if any no is okay and deemed as 'positive', it's God's "NO". See, we are so used to "no" having a negative connotation that we reject "no's" we receive in life before checking to see if the no is from the Lord.
When God says "Yes", generally its in His timing and happens pretty immediate or in spite of obstacles being in the way. It's evident through opening of seemingly impossible doors (what would normally not happen for others, happens for you).
When God says "No", He could be saying "not now" or "I have something better for you, just wait!"
"So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him." ~Matthew 7:11
"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens." ~James 1:17
What's the common thread? "Good gifts"...they come to us from our Father. So if He says "no", its' because He knows best and He knows the gift was not good for us (or not yet)! What a promise!! What a relief to trust that just when we are getting all huffy over all of the closed doors and impossible avenues, that He is simply looking out for our best! He wants the "Yes" to reveal his good and perfect gifts!
When my parents told me they didn't want me hanging with this one guy who was interested in me, in high school, I remember being so upset with them. Why wouldn't they let me choose my own boyfriend? Didn't they trust me? I could have pushed past their ruling and saw him behind their backs, but I didn't...I was obedient. I later found out some dangerous things about this guy and where he was headed because of it and I remember thinking to myself, "I wonder if my parents knew about what he was involved in." Whether they did or didn't, I was protected because of their "no".
If my parents know how to protect me from the things I want, how much more will my Heavenly Father know how to protect me from what I think is best for me? That's what Matthew 7 is referring to. How much more is He able to discern the seasons of our lives when certain "gifts" are good for us? How much more is He able to bring promotion, financial freedom, spouses, children, fulfill dreams and so much more?
I don't like "no's" anymore than you do; but don't try to push past His "No" and overpower His will (that's spiritual rape) with your own agenda! Learn to take a different perspective on "No's" from God; if we do, we will reap the benefits of His protection, provisions and peace!!
Monday, June 29, 2015
Unintentionally Intentional
The very first time I stumbled on this recipe, I fell in love with the look of the meal. How could one mix three meats, with a pasta and NOT be in love? The only problem was, I was so terrified it wouldn't turn out right. There were way too many steps involved!
I will post the recipe link below, but not only did it take a lot of work, the prep work was overwhelming!
The chopping.
The marinating.
The sautéing.
Will it ever end!!!???
Not to mention, I had to make a dry rub of Emeril's Essence Creole Seasoning! Who has time for that? Why can't I just use the Nature's Seasoning? Don't act brand new, you know that stuff go hard!

The interesting turn to this story is, my first batch was a HIT! And not by own words or taste buds. I invited some friends over and took the risk of trying it out on them. Freeloaders are always honest! Needless to say, although I was intentional about cooking and sticking to the recipe, the results were unintentionally surprising!
When my father passed in 2011, my mother purposefully titled his Home Going service, "Leaving a Godly Legacy". I was puzzled at first as to why she was so adamant about that being the theme. I mean I never knew daddy to talk about leaving a legacy behind with his kids. However, as the years have passed, I've seen the evidence of his life reflected in the small every day things. As I watch my own dating habits, I see myself thinking about whether my daddy (parents for that matter b/c they provided a united front) approve. I see my oldest brother seek to lead his wife and teach his son. I watch my younger brother serve faithfully at church, and over-hear him having his devotional time in his room each morning. I marvel at all the ways my dad must have played a role in these behaviors.
Although I'm sure he was intentional about his family members intimately knowing the Lord, what really reached God's heart wasn't his actions so much as His prayers.
God tells us that we need not focus so much on "behaving rightly" before him. What's key is turning our hearts towards Him.
"He is working in you. God is helping you obey Him. God is doing what He wants done in you."
(Phil 2:13)
He knows that when we intentional focus on giving Him our hearts, He will steer our behavior. James 1 states it perfectly,
So leaving a legacy and being a godly example isn't really about intentionally making plans to do the right thing, striving after financial security for our families living right before people. What we are to be intentional about is submitting to the Lord (our hearts, thoughts and will), daily and consistently. This daily dying to the plans we have and taking up His (based on what's written in His love letter to us) puts His plan into action in our lives.
Recently a friend texted me asking me to pray for her. Her desire was that she would be a great example to those who look up to her. I immediately empathized with her as that's always silently been my prayer. I shared with my friend that I wouldn't pray for her to be an example. I would pray that she seeks God for wisdom. He WILL give it to her, and when she makes wise decisions consistently, those who look up to her will be in awe...NOT OF HER, BUT OF GOD!
God intentionally causes us to be an example to others. He intentionally leaves the legacy (financially, spiritually and mentally) for us.
People begged me for years to make that recipe again (click on the link). I was never able to recreate it, no matter how hard I tried. I was probably trying too hard!!! Don't worry about intentionally trying to leave a legacy nor be an example; God will take care of your legacy (it will occur unintentionally) when you're intentional about loving God with all your heart, mind and soul.
I will post the recipe link below, but not only did it take a lot of work, the prep work was overwhelming!
The chopping.
The marinating.
The sautéing.
Will it ever end!!!???
Not to mention, I had to make a dry rub of Emeril's Essence Creole Seasoning! Who has time for that? Why can't I just use the Nature's Seasoning? Don't act brand new, you know that stuff go hard!
The interesting turn to this story is, my first batch was a HIT! And not by own words or taste buds. I invited some friends over and took the risk of trying it out on them. Freeloaders are always honest! Needless to say, although I was intentional about cooking and sticking to the recipe, the results were unintentionally surprising!
When my father passed in 2011, my mother purposefully titled his Home Going service, "Leaving a Godly Legacy". I was puzzled at first as to why she was so adamant about that being the theme. I mean I never knew daddy to talk about leaving a legacy behind with his kids. However, as the years have passed, I've seen the evidence of his life reflected in the small every day things. As I watch my own dating habits, I see myself thinking about whether my daddy (parents for that matter b/c they provided a united front) approve. I see my oldest brother seek to lead his wife and teach his son. I watch my younger brother serve faithfully at church, and over-hear him having his devotional time in his room each morning. I marvel at all the ways my dad must have played a role in these behaviors.
Although I'm sure he was intentional about his family members intimately knowing the Lord, what really reached God's heart wasn't his actions so much as His prayers.
God tells us that we need not focus so much on "behaving rightly" before him. What's key is turning our hearts towards Him.
"He is working in you. God is helping you obey Him. God is doing what He wants done in you."
(Phil 2:13)
He knows that when we intentional focus on giving Him our hearts, He will steer our behavior. James 1 states it perfectly,
So leaving a legacy and being a godly example isn't really about intentionally making plans to do the right thing, striving after financial security for our families living right before people. What we are to be intentional about is submitting to the Lord (our hearts, thoughts and will), daily and consistently. This daily dying to the plans we have and taking up His (based on what's written in His love letter to us) puts His plan into action in our lives.
Recently a friend texted me asking me to pray for her. Her desire was that she would be a great example to those who look up to her. I immediately empathized with her as that's always silently been my prayer. I shared with my friend that I wouldn't pray for her to be an example. I would pray that she seeks God for wisdom. He WILL give it to her, and when she makes wise decisions consistently, those who look up to her will be in awe...NOT OF HER, BUT OF GOD!
God intentionally causes us to be an example to others. He intentionally leaves the legacy (financially, spiritually and mentally) for us.
People begged me for years to make that recipe again (click on the link). I was never able to recreate it, no matter how hard I tried. I was probably trying too hard!!! Don't worry about intentionally trying to leave a legacy nor be an example; God will take care of your legacy (it will occur unintentionally) when you're intentional about loving God with all your heart, mind and soul.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Undercover Angels
Here's the fun do you think you would have influenced the boss concerning the direction of the company? Would they consider you for a promotion? Would they demote you or be displeased with your attitude or work ethic? Would they be challenged to make significant changes?
I was watching Undercover Boss with my mom and explaining to her how this employee was mouthing off on his truck run and really grieving his boss (the undercover CEO of the company) with how he felt about his duties and often treated his customers. When the boss had the chance to unveil who he really was, the employee had no regrets for how he behaved. He actually defended his rude and disrespectful behavior with his own justifications.
It got me to thinking about the scripture that talks about entertaining angels.
"Do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers [in the brotherhood—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for through it some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
I've both financed and leased a car before. When I leased, there was a bit of relief when I knew the car wouldn't belong to me once the contract ended. I had to take good care of it, though, because it didn't belong to me and never would. It was simply entrusted to me for an allotted time.
Sometimes I think of the people God places in our lives for seasons of time, whether through church families, work environments, school, and even (don't throw stones at me when I say this but) through marriage and/or family. Yes even family members are on loan to us. The leasing contract may be longer than those with whom we work with, but it's a loan nonetheless.
Just like in Undercover Boss, The Lord expects us to treat those He allows in our paths with compassion, empathy, and love. His command is not to neglect them, not to treat them with a stiff arm nor with unfair and selfish actions.
His motive is that they are on loan (lease) from Him. They may be your professor, supervisor,
volleyball teammate for a season and a reason. God may be using them to teach you a lesson or send you a message. He may be allowing them to rub you the wrong way to sharpen His character in you.
He may be showing them who He is and how mighty and loving He is, by allowing them to work for you, sit in on your study group or serve in the same ministry as you.
You are "entertaining angels unaware" or the way a sweet friend of mine put it, 'God has entrusted people to us'. When she said that it made me think of how stoic I can get sometimes when I lose sight of how precious and fragile the lives of others are. When I get wrapped up in my own agendas, how I treat people often is the first thing to fly out the window.
What we do to these employees, coworkers, classmates, friends, mentees, mentors, lay people, pastors, family members, spouses, children, parents...(strangers/angels), how we treat them is how we are treating God. Or this is how He will interpret our dealings with others.
"I was hungry and you fed me,...I was a stranger and you took me in." Matthew 25:35
"I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me" Matthew 25:40 Msg
I'm not able to say I can justly stand before Him and say I was the best host to all those who've visited my life. I need forgiveness for how I've interacted in many of my loans (friends, family, etc). I can say, however, it wasn't very hard to "lose" my dad because I had learned during his illness that he was on loan to me. Despite how close we were and how much he means to me, he belonged to God and when our contract was up, I can say I was able to release him (not without much tears, and joyful memories).
My desire is going forth, is that the insensitive and negative way the employee behaved in front of that CEO is a vivid reminder of how angels and strangers are around me daily, will marry into my family (or marry me), will work with or for me one day, or will labor with me in ministry; and I am responsible for how I "entertained" them. Whether they saw Christ in how I spoke to them, treated them, dealt with them and in my attitude towards them or not. And I will think forward to the day I stand before my CEO and give an account for whether I was Christ to them (a sweet aroma) or turned them from ever wanting to trust Christ (a stench) as Savior.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Stay weak my friends
I received a text from an ex- a week ago and when I consider how unhealthy our relationship was (for me), I 'threw-up in my mouth' (for a lack of a better expression) at the sight of the text. But I'd be remiss if I wasn't completely honest with the hidden desire I had to fight of responding to him. After all I had been dateless for some time and what's a little harmless flirting to gain the attention of a handsome (all be it, emotionally harmful) man, right?
That was my weakness surfacing. The story ended well. I didn't respond to the text, this time. I'd like to say I will never respond. I couldn't take credit for this minor, emotional victory.
That's a small example of a bigger war that rages in each of us. The battle between the flesh and Spirit. I have weaknesses that I fight all too often and although I've been walking with the Lord for some time, I can't say I'm strong in all areas of my life. But I can confess that I long to be strong with every part of my being. With each failed trial and test, I cry out to the Lord in repentance and continually place my trust in His power.
I sincerely believe,
"If the Son makes you free, then you are really and unquestionably free." John 8:36 [Amp]
Watch this part of the Captain America movie:
"Falling on a grenade" means "the deliberate act of using ones body to cover a live grenade, absorbing the explosion and fragmentation in effort to save the lives of others..." It's considered a selfless act of sacrifice.
Since the Son of God "fell on a grenade" for us, (through the selfless act of deliberately giving his life and absorbing the effects of sin in effort to save the lives of others), we have the power to live lives free from the control of sin.
I look forward to this power, but all too often I try to be strong on my own.
You know, you've heard people say,
"You better get your life right"
"I will try to stop cursing, I promise"
"I'm giving up ________."
In this same way, I've vowed to 'never do [that] again...' over, and over, and...over! Despite my solemn yet sincere prayers, sometimes I find myself struggling with doing it anyways. So how do I quit mistreating my Lord? How do I flex my strength in the face of my weak moments?
Simple: I don't.
This quote, I also heard in the same Captain America movie was powerful:
"This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows... compassion."
I believe there is a reason why God doesn't want us to 'be strong' (in the sense that we flex our own strength). Yet, He wants us to be aware of and exemplify a level of confidence in our weaknesses. Because a strong man has pride and doesn't respect the strength of God.
However, a weak man, knows the value of God's strength. He goes to God in his weakness and receives strength from Him. The strength that raised Jesus from the dead is the strength that He flexes, on our behalf.
But what's more? The last part of that quote stood out to me as well.
A weak man...knows compassion.
A friend of mine had a very real struggle some 15 years ago and used to share it with a group of my female friends, on occasion. I found myself dealing with that same struggle a few weeks ago. So inevitably, I sent her a message on Facebook and asked her how she dealt with that struggle. She replied with 3 simple verses. She encouraged me that if I practically focus on these verses, I would be able to face the struggle. So I did. She could have easily clowned me for such a trivial struggle, or even given me some lame advice to get me through the moment. But her own dependence on the Spirit in her time of weakness proved God's strength and gave her the compassion to share her 'secret' with me.
For these reasons, I look forward to the times when I will face my weaknesses. Not because I'm not sure whether I will overcome it or be overcome by it. I know my freedom is in Christ. He knows my desire is to please Him. I am confident that His strength is enough for me because I am in a process of sanctification. I may not win my next battle with my flesh, but I am able to win, because of Him. The joy is in the fact that someone else will identify the same weakness in themselves and ask me for advice. The compassion I can show that person, comes from my weakness.
Stay weak (and therefore strong) my friends!
That was my weakness surfacing. The story ended well. I didn't respond to the text, this time. I'd like to say I will never respond. I couldn't take credit for this minor, emotional victory.
That's a small example of a bigger war that rages in each of us. The battle between the flesh and Spirit. I have weaknesses that I fight all too often and although I've been walking with the Lord for some time, I can't say I'm strong in all areas of my life. But I can confess that I long to be strong with every part of my being. With each failed trial and test, I cry out to the Lord in repentance and continually place my trust in His power.
I sincerely believe,
"If the Son makes you free, then you are really and unquestionably free." John 8:36 [Amp]
Watch this part of the Captain America movie:
"Falling on a grenade" means "the deliberate act of using ones body to cover a live grenade, absorbing the explosion and fragmentation in effort to save the lives of others..." It's considered a selfless act of sacrifice.
Since the Son of God "fell on a grenade" for us, (through the selfless act of deliberately giving his life and absorbing the effects of sin in effort to save the lives of others), we have the power to live lives free from the control of sin.
I look forward to this power, but all too often I try to be strong on my own.
You know, you've heard people say,
"You better get your life right"
"I will try to stop cursing, I promise"
"I'm giving up ________."
In this same way, I've vowed to 'never do [that] again...' over, and over, and...over! Despite my solemn yet sincere prayers, sometimes I find myself struggling with doing it anyways. So how do I quit mistreating my Lord? How do I flex my strength in the face of my weak moments?
Simple: I don't.
This quote, I also heard in the same Captain America movie was powerful:
"This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows... compassion."
I believe there is a reason why God doesn't want us to 'be strong' (in the sense that we flex our own strength). Yet, He wants us to be aware of and exemplify a level of confidence in our weaknesses. Because a strong man has pride and doesn't respect the strength of God.
However, a weak man, knows the value of God's strength. He goes to God in his weakness and receives strength from Him. The strength that raised Jesus from the dead is the strength that He flexes, on our behalf.
But what's more? The last part of that quote stood out to me as well.
A weak man...knows compassion.
A friend of mine had a very real struggle some 15 years ago and used to share it with a group of my female friends, on occasion. I found myself dealing with that same struggle a few weeks ago. So inevitably, I sent her a message on Facebook and asked her how she dealt with that struggle. She replied with 3 simple verses. She encouraged me that if I practically focus on these verses, I would be able to face the struggle. So I did. She could have easily clowned me for such a trivial struggle, or even given me some lame advice to get me through the moment. But her own dependence on the Spirit in her time of weakness proved God's strength and gave her the compassion to share her 'secret' with me.
For these reasons, I look forward to the times when I will face my weaknesses. Not because I'm not sure whether I will overcome it or be overcome by it. I know my freedom is in Christ. He knows my desire is to please Him. I am confident that His strength is enough for me because I am in a process of sanctification. I may not win my next battle with my flesh, but I am able to win, because of Him. The joy is in the fact that someone else will identify the same weakness in themselves and ask me for advice. The compassion I can show that person, comes from my weakness.
Stay weak (and therefore strong) my friends!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Worth the wait: when you're tired of waiting on GOD
Have you ever prayed for something? Have years elapsed and you still have not seen your prayer answered?
Still waiting...?
Does it make you wonder whether you prayed the right thing? Or whether your prayer was vain? Or in vain for that matter?
Are you tempted to place a rush order on your request by fulfilling it yourself (but low key giving God credit for something you know you really accomplished)?
Don't trip, all of these are classic signs of weariness when waiting on God:
Doubting He heard our prayer
Wondering if some secret sin is blocking it
Wondering if He is good enough to provide it
Getting upset seeing other people get 'what they want'
Stepping out of His timing and will to get it for ourselves
Living in a society that's conditioned us to a drive-thru mentality, why shouldn't we rush God!?
When microwave dinners replace the greens that soak in the sink and the meat that is thawed and seasoned a day before it is cooked; why shouldn't we expect Gods answer to be revealed by the time the microwave alarm has sounded? When text message responses have a turn around of a matter of seconds, why can't God respond to our prayers in a similar fashion?
Isaiah 40:31 holds the answer to this frustrating truth
"But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
they walk and don’t lag behind."
We wait for things that we trust in. We wait for good food at expensive or popular restaurants. We wait for the doctor to come in the room, often sitting half dressed on a table for what seems like hear his report. We wait for those things we place confidence in. People will wait outside of a venue for the start of an event. We will wait for tickets to concerts and movies to be released. We may even wait for the release of goods such as tennis shoes.
Waiting is an unwrapped gift. It conceals the true thing that is preparing to be revealed...
...a renewal of strength!!
Remember those accusations we threw in Gods face? Those are our weary ways rearing their heads. God desires to give us a fresh breath of strength so we don't have to resort to those weary thoughts
and behaviors when we face future trials. God is worth waiting for because He can be trusted. The gifts and goods (His grace, peace, mercy, wisdom) are found in Him and He longs to reveal those things to and in us. Imagine yourself waiting outside of His dwelling place like those who wait outside of businesses for the release of the new Jordan's.
Imagine sitting at the dining table of His restaurant for what He's cooking up for you. Take in the aroma as you wait for the soul-full goodness of what He desires to serve you:
The strength in your heart to endure death of loved ones,
To face rejection on your job,
To take on numerous shut doors as you start your own business.
Strength of spirit to say no to temptation;
To resist the very thing you've been enslaved to for years;
To hate indulging in things you once loved.
Isn't that worth the wait? Do you long for His strength? Aren't you tired of doubting, envying and prematurely making decisions from your own strength?
Whatever it is you're waiting on:
God to bless you and your spouse with the children you long for.
A mate to find you (women);
... or to find a woman who resembles what you've prayed for (men).
For a breakthrough in your finances to give, save and spend in a way that pleases God.
For your business to be successful.
For your lost loved ones to trust Christ as Savior.
For healing to take place in your body or that of someone you've prayed for.
To be vindicated in a situation where you've been walking in integrity yet under attack for it.
Wait...God is hiding with purpose...He is preparing to unleash His new line of strength that you will benefit greatly from. He knows He is worth the wait, do you? You will find yourself able to face things you once felt burdened by, with peace. You will find yourself able to say no to thing you once only said yes to. You will find yourself able to last a lot longer in the face of issues you once used to give up on. That's renewed strength! It's hidden in your waiting season!
Still waiting...?
Does it make you wonder whether you prayed the right thing? Or whether your prayer was vain? Or in vain for that matter?
Are you tempted to place a rush order on your request by fulfilling it yourself (but low key giving God credit for something you know you really accomplished)?
Don't trip, all of these are classic signs of weariness when waiting on God:
Doubting He heard our prayer
Wondering if some secret sin is blocking it
Wondering if He is good enough to provide it
Getting upset seeing other people get 'what they want'
Stepping out of His timing and will to get it for ourselves
Living in a society that's conditioned us to a drive-thru mentality, why shouldn't we rush God!?
When microwave dinners replace the greens that soak in the sink and the meat that is thawed and seasoned a day before it is cooked; why shouldn't we expect Gods answer to be revealed by the time the microwave alarm has sounded? When text message responses have a turn around of a matter of seconds, why can't God respond to our prayers in a similar fashion?
Isaiah 40:31 holds the answer to this frustrating truth
"But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
they walk and don’t lag behind."
We wait for things that we trust in. We wait for good food at expensive or popular restaurants. We wait for the doctor to come in the room, often sitting half dressed on a table for what seems like hear his report. We wait for those things we place confidence in. People will wait outside of a venue for the start of an event. We will wait for tickets to concerts and movies to be released. We may even wait for the release of goods such as tennis shoes.
Waiting is an unwrapped gift. It conceals the true thing that is preparing to be revealed...
...a renewal of strength!!
Remember those accusations we threw in Gods face? Those are our weary ways rearing their heads. God desires to give us a fresh breath of strength so we don't have to resort to those weary thoughts
and behaviors when we face future trials. God is worth waiting for because He can be trusted. The gifts and goods (His grace, peace, mercy, wisdom) are found in Him and He longs to reveal those things to and in us. Imagine yourself waiting outside of His dwelling place like those who wait outside of businesses for the release of the new Jordan's.
Imagine sitting at the dining table of His restaurant for what He's cooking up for you. Take in the aroma as you wait for the soul-full goodness of what He desires to serve you:
The strength in your heart to endure death of loved ones,
To face rejection on your job,
To take on numerous shut doors as you start your own business.
Strength of spirit to say no to temptation;
To resist the very thing you've been enslaved to for years;
To hate indulging in things you once loved.
Isn't that worth the wait? Do you long for His strength? Aren't you tired of doubting, envying and prematurely making decisions from your own strength?
Whatever it is you're waiting on:
God to bless you and your spouse with the children you long for.
A mate to find you (women);
... or to find a woman who resembles what you've prayed for (men).
For a breakthrough in your finances to give, save and spend in a way that pleases God.
For your business to be successful.
For your lost loved ones to trust Christ as Savior.
For healing to take place in your body or that of someone you've prayed for.
To be vindicated in a situation where you've been walking in integrity yet under attack for it.
Wait...God is hiding with purpose...He is preparing to unleash His new line of strength that you will benefit greatly from. He knows He is worth the wait, do you? You will find yourself able to face things you once felt burdened by, with peace. You will find yourself able to say no to thing you once only said yes to. You will find yourself able to last a lot longer in the face of issues you once used to give up on. That's renewed strength! It's hidden in your waiting season!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Paper Cut Confessions
Few moments compare to those unexpected occurrences when you're hard at work (or play for that matter) and a simple miscalculated move results in an ugly paper cut. Have you ever been trying to complete a large mail order where you have to interact with several envelopes, and one of those suckers finds it's way in between the surface of your skin? Or you are busy opening up a ream of paper and in a hasty yet routine movement you're caught off guard by a swift opening in the small area of your finger skin? If you're anything like me you bellow out a cringing yell, only to realize it's just a small cut and you clutch the area of the cut and reduce your yell to a whimper.
Don't let the small injury fool you. You might not be able to file workers comp, but paper cuts are surprisingly painful and that pain serves as a reminder of its presence on your limb. It's a shallow cut and often doesn't produce much blood, but what we don't see is how our minute pain receptors that lie hidden beneath the skin's surface, have been irritated.
Several times today, my painful paper cut lay seemingly dormant on my finger. But more often than not, the natural movement of my finger and the routine jobs I performed brought the moment of injury back to my mind. What's more, I found myself being more careful when it came to my interactions with other paper products. As the day tarried, irritants such as chemicals and fibers from foreign objects found their way into my open wound because I chose not to take care of it.
In our walks with Christ, though we are Believers, we are not walking in perfection. We aren't expected to do so until we are freed from the presence of sin. But until then, we do have the ability within us to walk in freedom from the power and penalty of sin. This inner power to say "no" to ungodly things was deposited when we trusted Christ (and His resurrection power) as our Savior.
"Salvation is available for everyone! We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life." ~Titus 2:12
admit our wrong to our loving Father, immediately. Instead, much like a paper cut, we let it sit and try to forget it's there. Although our wrong action, attitude, thoughts or words may seem insignificant and shallow to us, the sin that results is very real. Yet we treat it as if it's dormant.
However what's occurring is an irritation that is leading to an infection in our fellowship with The Lord. The Lord pleads with us to confess our sins to Him, regularly and often. He longs for the sweet fellowship that accompanies His forgiveness. Like a bandaid He desires to wrap us in the protection of His Promises to forgive us and cleanse us from unrighteous desires.
"If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action]." ~1 John 1:9
Without washing the wound with the soap and water of confession, we are left vulnerable to Satans' convincing lies which end up festering into a swelling of our pride and calloused heart towards God.
The longer we go without taking care of our wound, the more susceptible it is to his foreign objects (lies) and further irritation (loss of fellowship).
"When I kept silence [before I confessed], my bones wasted away through my groaning all the day long." ~Psalm 32:3
My friend puts it this way, "Keep short accounts with God." What he means is at the moment the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin, confess and repent immediately. Take comfort in knowing The Lord only convicts, He doesn't condemn. So if you feel guilt and shame, that's satans irritant, not Gods antibacterial ointment.
So rather than focusing hard on trying to be "good enough", let's just submit to follow Christ's
example in all things. Then when you do fall short (and a paper cut incurs), immediately run to your soap, water and ointment...He eagerly awaits to cleanse your wound and protect you with His bandaid of loving promises. Be encouraged!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The danger in teaching
When I'm standing before a class of students, giving instructions and despite the fact that my class may have an above average management system operating, one very defiant student decides to go against the grain, well I must admit I get a little beside myself. At first, I'm calm...after all, raising my voice and matching anger for anger rarely (typically never) really gets the job done. Quite frankly, you've practically lost the battle because you've fallen right into the trap the student set for you. So, I generally go the silent, deadly route. I get extremely quiet, turn on "THE LOOK" (that I must encourage every educator to invest in) and softly ask a series of questions to bring the temperament of the student down without disrupting the flow of instruction.
If that doesn't work then it's on to phase II (and in most cases it does, but I have worked in some
rough areas, so while Phase I was alarming to the student it wasn't enough to seal the deal). Phase II consists of ignoring the behavior, politely engaging the class in a cooperative group activity while I go stand next to the unruly student and whisper for them to follow me to my headquarters. By this point the class knows it's goodbye "Mrs. Nelson"... And hello "Viola Swamp"!!
Phase III takes place in my headquarters where the student and I, through a variety of questions (and under less embarrassment) get to the meat of the reason they felt the need to step out of bounds. Generally it's nothing more than a lack of social skills and training on how to appropriately respond to something that didn't go the way they wanted. After this brief yet loving conversation, the student
ends up in tears and giving me a hug before returning to their desk and falling right back in line. My quota for writing a student up and/or sending them to the office was quite low because I kept a trust with my student and communication with my parents.
But the danger I see myself facing during phase II and III is often in who walks away changed. It might occur to you that the student has the change of heart and returns in good spirits and that's partly true, but its amazing what the Holy Spirit can do in a chastising moment like that.
Today, I had to remove a young lady from my small group because she came in with a stank attitude. That foul aroma had spread during the course of our small group time and before I allowed her to proceed in biting off the heads of those who were eagerly soaking up our lesson, I gently beckoned her into my chambers. But while digging for the root, (which happened to be something as simple as her unable to get breakfast before school...3hrs prior) I found myself looking at my own filth in a mirror. As I lovingly shared with her that it was understandable that she was hungry and things didn't go as she had planned this morning, I comforted her that I cared and all she had to do was pull me aside and ask for help. That she didn't need to carry an attitude on for the rest of the day and smite everyone in her path. No sooner than those words left my mouth, I was reminded of my own tendency to do the exact same thing (weekly)!
My voice began to crack as I saw tears well up in her eyes and knew mine weren't too far behind. She hugged me and we discussed some breakfast snack options. But inside, the Lord was reminding me that "...His yoke is easy and His burden is light" so rest could be found in Him when I'm willing to trust Him with my days details. The Holy Spirits conviction led to comfort as I realized this little girl wasn't experiencing anything different in the natural than I was in the spiritual.
So see, the danger in teaching others, is often starring your own short-comings face to face. But what's more compelling and life changing than having your own character refined as you teach life lessons to those in your path? There is grave (profound, weighty) danger in teaching because you risk learning a little about yourself and ultimately given the chance to demonstrate, by example, a growing maturity.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Save The Date
Wedding announcements have taken on a new face with the latest creative "Save the Date" cards. These cards have taken the photo industry to a new level and added spunk to the idea of sharing ones upcoming wedding date announcement with their loved ones.
The emphasis of a Save the Date card is on the date. It's intent is to give the receiver a focal point, a future date to anticipate and plan for. The hope is that the recipient will reserve that date on their personal calendar and plan any and all events in respect to that date (should that wed couple maintain any significant value to the receiver).
I'd like to submit that there is a special day every Believer should be looking forward to. As the Bride of Christ (AKA "The Church"...AKA a body of believers) we eagerly anticipate the day our Groom returns for us. We live in expectation of it! It's the day we meet our Maker, our Savior...our Lord, face to face. What I struggle with, however, is the miseducation of our 'people' in respect to this day. My heart is saddened by this tragic disparity between ones belief and hope.
What do I mean? We believe in the salvation of our souls. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins. We believe that He rose from the grave to redeem us to God. We believe that we are SAVED! But we lack the hope that we will "make it in". There's a problem with this mentality because with it comes a couple of inferred statements:
1. A strike against God's character:
"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see."
~1 Peter 1:3-5
To say one is 'saved' but unsure if they will "make it to heaven" or be raptured up is to really say that God is unable to completely save.
"But Jesus lives forever and continues to be a Priest so that no one else is needed. He is able to save completely all who come to God through him. Since he will live forever, he will always be there to remind God that he has paid for their sins with his blood."
~Hebrews 7:20-25
2. One might be saying they aren't truly saved to begin with. The purpose of salvation is NOT merely to go to Heaven; although, that is a benefit of salvation. Originally, God desires to redeem His own children/creation to Himself. But the immediate implications of salvation are to help us live whole and healthy/prosperous lives through faith here on earth. Once someone is saved, no one and nothing (acts you can do) can change that status. Fellowship with God may be broken, but relationship doesn't change.
~John 10:27-30
3. When one makes the statement "I'm just trying to make it in..." they are implying that a promise God made is really contingent on their own works. If this were the case, again, Gods power isn't strong enough to complete what He started out doing. God never intended salvation to depend on us. There needed to be a perfect sacrifice made for us. God doesn't want us to "try" to get there...He wants us to understand that He has prepared that promise for us. Therefore we can't take any credit for arriving.
"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it."
~Ephesians 2:8-9
Ultimately realize that the idea of salvation both begins and ends with God. He set up the plan and He fully intends to follow through (for those who really are saved). Which is why it's important to be sure of your salvation.
But if you are, then understand that you can be 100% sure that you will have eternal life.
"Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life.I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life."
~1 John 5:12-13
SAVE THE DATE of your eternal life! Its truly something to look forward to with great expectation!
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Are dating websites a godly way to find a mate?
A friend asked me a question, one day: "Would you ever date using an online site?" Her question was not a foreign to me. This same question has been debated and discussed numerous times, particularly amongst Christian single circles. But why is this such a stirring question?
Is it wrong to use internet sites to find a mate? Is it unbiblical and therefore morally inappropriate? Does it somehow hinder the Believer from allowing God to be Sovereign? Does it indicate that a single doesn't trust God to find and send their mate?
Is it a means which God uses to draw people together? Can it be a culturally relevant tool that God sovereignly chooses to help people find each other? Does it even matter to God that His children use this method of connecting?
All of these are the debatable responses I've witnessed. I'm not here to defend one over the other; I am here to emphasize one concept that we as children of God must consider and be sensitive to.
That in seemingly gray issues like this, God is still a black and white God. What I mean is that even the smallest of details of life are important to Him. Nothing is too small, insignificant or too culturally removed for Him to be a part of. He desires to be welcomed into and sought in every decision we make.
James 1 says He will freely give wisdom to us, when we ask. Jeremiah 29:13 says we WILL surely find Him when we seek Him with our entire heart.
So, what's the verdict then, Kim? Is it right or is it wrong? Well that's the unique thing about
wisdom. God is able to give one person the wisdom to make a choice that is fitting, wise and purposeful for their life. All of this, while issuing (different) wisdom for another person that is unique to their life and the glory He desires to extract from it. What's the common thread? That the wisdom He disperses, though different and specific, is shaped for God to gain glory from that persons life. There is no cookie cutter way to remain within the will of God. His perfect will is designed to protect us from our flesh's natural ability to self-destruct. His permissive will allows us freedom to operate in ways that give us opportunity to seek Him for guidance. He is Lord, but He desires for us to choose His Lordship by seeking Him in issues like this.
My preference isn't to use online devices. I also don't care for guys hollering at me in random public places, therefore I'm not inclined to give them my number when they do. Not for religious purposes, it's just that I choose to believe God will and can place me in the right circles with mutual believing friends and places to cross paths with amazing godly men. I also trust He will give me the wisdom to discern their intentions and accept their pursuit. He's proven to do so in the past and though I'm not bound to my preference, it's the method within which I choose to trust God at this point in my life.
I've also witnessed a few friends who have found and pursued their mate using social media and are walking in godly relationship with their mate. I've not yet put myself on a dating website to be found, but it doesn't mean that my choice is more or less godly than my friend who does.
Romans 14 (entire chapter) speaks well of this concept. My favorite part and the culminating message is in the final verses of the chapter, "Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing
something they have decided is right. But if you have doubts about [whether or not you should eat something], you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning."
Is it wrong to use internet sites to find a mate? Is it unbiblical and therefore morally inappropriate? Does it somehow hinder the Believer from allowing God to be Sovereign? Does it indicate that a single doesn't trust God to find and send their mate?
Is it a means which God uses to draw people together? Can it be a culturally relevant tool that God sovereignly chooses to help people find each other? Does it even matter to God that His children use this method of connecting?
All of these are the debatable responses I've witnessed. I'm not here to defend one over the other; I am here to emphasize one concept that we as children of God must consider and be sensitive to.
That in seemingly gray issues like this, God is still a black and white God. What I mean is that even the smallest of details of life are important to Him. Nothing is too small, insignificant or too culturally removed for Him to be a part of. He desires to be welcomed into and sought in every decision we make.
James 1 says He will freely give wisdom to us, when we ask. Jeremiah 29:13 says we WILL surely find Him when we seek Him with our entire heart.
So, what's the verdict then, Kim? Is it right or is it wrong? Well that's the unique thing about
wisdom. God is able to give one person the wisdom to make a choice that is fitting, wise and purposeful for their life. All of this, while issuing (different) wisdom for another person that is unique to their life and the glory He desires to extract from it. What's the common thread? That the wisdom He disperses, though different and specific, is shaped for God to gain glory from that persons life. There is no cookie cutter way to remain within the will of God. His perfect will is designed to protect us from our flesh's natural ability to self-destruct. His permissive will allows us freedom to operate in ways that give us opportunity to seek Him for guidance. He is Lord, but He desires for us to choose His Lordship by seeking Him in issues like this.
My preference isn't to use online devices. I also don't care for guys hollering at me in random public places, therefore I'm not inclined to give them my number when they do. Not for religious purposes, it's just that I choose to believe God will and can place me in the right circles with mutual believing friends and places to cross paths with amazing godly men. I also trust He will give me the wisdom to discern their intentions and accept their pursuit. He's proven to do so in the past and though I'm not bound to my preference, it's the method within which I choose to trust God at this point in my life.
I've also witnessed a few friends who have found and pursued their mate using social media and are walking in godly relationship with their mate. I've not yet put myself on a dating website to be found, but it doesn't mean that my choice is more or less godly than my friend who does.
Romans 14 (entire chapter) speaks well of this concept. My favorite part and the culminating message is in the final verses of the chapter, "Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing
something they have decided is right. But if you have doubts about [whether or not you should eat something], you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning."
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