Driving with my mom to Dallas this weekend, I was riding cushy in the drivers seat of the new Camry she rented. I must admit the luxury feel of the car and the open road had me feeling some kind of way about my Corolla. Trade in? I don't know but that bad boy rode so smooth. Before I knew it I had easily cruised up to about 90mph on accident. I caught myself and quickly slowed down. After all "the block was hot" (cops were on the prowl).
About 45 minutes into our trip, I realized I was in the passing (left) lane and it occurred to me that I prefer the left lane because I'd rather NOT be behind other people when I'm driving. I hate the feeling of being constrained to go as slow as they may be traveling. I find it hard to bring myself to contently drive in the right lane behind other drivers, even if it is AT THE SPEED LIMIT! I've been aware of my slight case of road rage (I may be in subtle denial) but I was keenly aware of my "heavy foot" at this moment.
Upon this realization, I committed myself to move to the right lane and control my speed by submitting to the freedom of the other limits of the speed. So I began driving behind an SUV that was coasting along at a comfortable speed. Rather than getting impatient, jumping into the passing lane and attempting to get as close to the maximum limit I could go, I just enjoyed the ride. As I passed 8 (count them) highway patrol officers pulling other vehicles over, I experienced the safety, freedom and lack of anxiety that comes with following the laws.
This reality (and slight discomfort) woke me up to my own personal life. I often live in the "left lane" in life...preferring to make my own path and not be confound to the pace of other people (even other Believers). Although I am committed to knowing God more by learning what He desires of me, my flesh (road rage) often encourages me to test the loving boundaries (speed limit) I find in His Word.
The Holy Spirit reminded me that He is the vehicle in the right lane that drives within the limits God has set and there is freedom, safety and no reason to fear chastisement (being pulled over) when I am willing to submit myself to contently drive behind Him. Allowing Him to control my pace takes a commitment to patience, self-control and submission but I can truly enjoy the life God has purposed for me (the ride) if I do so.
"I’ll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands." ~Ezekiel 36:27
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