MTV Unplugged is a show where music by artist that is usually heard on amplified instruments such as electric guitar and synthesizer is, instead, rendered on instruments that are not electronically amplified, for example acoustic guitar or traditional piano.
One of my favorite albums to listen to is Lauryn Hill's MTV Unplugged. I enjoy it not only because of the lyrics in her songs and the content of her messages but also because of the rare form she allows herself to be presented in. Lauryn strums her guitar while her voice is under construction due to a mild case of laryngitis. Despite that, she pushes through cracked notes and forgotten lyrics and exposes herself as raw as she physically is. I admire that she didn't care. In this- not having to sort through musical composition and background harmonies to judge the validity or understand the content she truly defined "unplugged"!
This past week, I unplugged myself from my TV, computer applications (Pinterest online virtual pin board), Social networks (Twitter and Facebook), and even my cell phone. It was a difficult task to meet. When I go on retreats, I am forced to 'unplug', but naturally so for no one brings all THAT stuff with them. Not only that, but internet and signals, in the 'woods' are often hard to find if not impossible to access. But the point in unplugging is to disconnect from all the background instruments called distractions and tune more closely in to the lyrical lessons that are often drowned out. There are so many truths the Lord wants us to clearly hear, both about ourselves and concerning His heart towards us. When we pull the plug on the things that entertain us, we stifle the messages that tend to choke the words our Lover wants to convey to us.
So how do you unplug? Simply choose those tools that consume your spare time and take a temporary"break" from them. For a set time frame (ie: a week), when you would ordinarily be watching, listening to or reading your normal music, shows, or literature; choose, instead to read or listen to something that is infused with God's heart. I found video messages online from practical Pastors; podcasts from Spirit-led speakers; music that spoke words of encouragement, read magazines with articles about Right living and spent time meditating in my Word. I kept a bank of things like journaling and those listed above so that I wouldn't get bored. Before my week began, more importantly I devoted myself to preparing my mind and prayed the Lord would show me things about myself and about Himself that I needed.And finally, I wrote needs that I had (such as "transform my mind in regards to my finances") that I expected Him to answer. And...HE DID!
Unplugged is just a modern mode of fasting. Try it! Don't wait for a retreat; your commitment to growth depends on it and your spiritual life will benefit from the practice of discipline!
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