Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Crater within
You ever feel like you just HAVE to be with someone?
Be honest with yourself! Survey your life...think back for a second and see if you can remember a time when you were relationally "unemployed" (without a boy/girl friend) BY YOUR OWN CHOICE.
Okay so maybe you have, then ask yourself if during that time, did you have any "dips" on the side...you know (friends with benefits)!?
Well maybe you feel its "just not you" to be without someone. Or that its virtually impossible.
Maybe you don't feel guilty about your 'friends with benefits' because you didn't do anything wrong (just some harmful flirting).
Either way, you're justified. You were created with an internal gap called companionship that longs to fill itself with a companion of some sort. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says God has placed a hole in our hearts that only HE can satisfy. He wants to out-satisfy our desire for companionship. Once we ask him to and He does, he gladly sends people in our lives who come close to doing the same.
Challenge: Take some time off (if you're single) and stop "shopping" for a relationship long enough to dare God to OUT-SATISFY and fill your crater with companionship.
Monday, July 25, 2011
YOU can't do it...
I know you didn't want to hear that, did you?
Yeah, you've been trained to believe:
"You can do anything you put your mind to"
Well, that's not true when it comes to doing what's right in God's eyes.
Try to stop cursing on your own...try to stop being addicted to those things that are destroying you. Yeah, not going to happen. Well, not consistently anyways.
Well here's the truth with the hard core facts:
1. No one seeks after God! NO ONE!
Romans 3:11
2. Your heart is desperatly wicked and deceitful!
Jeremiah 17:9
3. There is NO ONE righteous...not even ONE!
Romans 3:10
4. If a man says he has NO SIN, he is a LIAR (oops...you sinned) and has committed a sin! LOL
1 John 1:10
So see...no use trying to stop all that sinning after all is it? WRONG!
Here's the other part of those hard core facts:
1. It is GOD WHO IS AT WORK IN YOU, to both WILL and WORK for His good purpose.
Philippians 2:13
2. I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
3. God equips us to do right things!
Hebrews 13:21
4. Greater is HE who is IN you.
1 John 4:4
So see people, its NOT about what you do...or stopping your habits yourself. YOU can't do it. God desires to work in you to remove thost things. He wants to change your thinking, capture your heart so that you desire to remove anything that doesn't please Him.
Quietly whisper you desire and need for Him and watch Him develop it in you...start watching yourself shed those habits off like pounds! You cant...but HE can!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Disorder? Really?...try SIN!
I'm so baffled by all this talk about disorders! Every time I turn around, some Psychologist coming up with a new disorder to help someone excuse themselves from dealing with the
Check this out:
Paranoid Disorder- excessive distrust and suspicion of others
Schizoid Disorder- excessive detachment from social relationships
Narcissistic Disorder- excessive need for self-involvement lacking empathy for others
Emotionally Unstable Disorder- impusive actions & chaotic relationships
Dependent Disorder- overly reliance on others
Really tho? I mean who diagnoses people with such seemingly regular issues? I mean who DOESN'T deal with distrust, making relationships work, selfishness, impusivity and reliance on others? We all do on some level. And when we feed those issues/needs...they become excessive.
Let's explore the REAL issue: Sin!
Galatians 5:18-20 says our sinful nature is OBVIOUS!!
"immoral ways, filthy thoughts, shameful deeds, worship of idols, practicing witchcraft, hating others, hard to get along with, jealous fits, angry actions, selfish obsession, constantly arguing and causing trouble!"
Sound familiar?
Lets stop running to man made mental wisdom for answers to issues God created the void in us to fill! Man's wisdom is a joke in comparison to HIS wisdom. He is able to deal with our disorders because He desires to make us whole/complete!
Jesus, PhD, Psychology
It's NOT about Hell...

Lately I've encountered numerous conversations with people who have expressed that they "think" they are going to Hell...(here's the kisser)...because they aren't doing right by God.
Christians (yes, believers) are being miseducated or starved of the truth of the matter. Salvation is NOT about Heaven or Hell. Sadly, it's been degraded and watered down to the "Fire & Brimstone" picture; but salvation is MUCH MORE than that.
We are some twisted individuals! We crave any and everything that God hates!..by nature! Our love for ourselves and all the putrid things that disgust God inwardly drag us away from wanting anything to do with Him.
Yet, He relentlessly pursues us...
We are saved so that we can be FREE from our own sinful desires! Hell is just a consequence of rejecting Jesus Christ. Heaven (eternity with God) is simply a benefit of trusting Jesus Christ. But on the journey as we wait for Heaven, we are NOT expected to live perfectly as best as we can; we are expected to ask for and rely on the Holy Spirit's power (now within us) to choose to live unselfishly.
Friend! You CAN KNOW that you are saved! (1 John 5:12-13) and that your salvation is SECURE! If God could take salvation back then that means :
1. He's an indian giver (which is against His nature as faithful)
2. He never had the power to save you to begin with....ALSO FALSE!
Check this out! When yo'ure saved, you're given the Holy Spirit as a permanent deposit (almost like a BRAND so He can recognize His kids). So that means you have the power to make impossible choices! You get convicted when you do wrong!
Finally...quit trying to STAY SAVED! You still live in the house with your flesh so while you're still alive you will still struggle with issues and sin. Walk in His grace as He works in you to slowly get rid of sin in your life. Confess quickly and frequently what you did and set up fences around yourself to keep away from falling again. Quit expecting not to ever struggle/fall again!
It's NOT about Hell,...its about the wickedness that dwells inside of you eating away at your sould like a hidden cancer. He wants to save you from THAT! And when you trust Him to...He will give you everything you need to live that out daily...PLUS the bonus of spending eternity with Him!
~Deep Waters
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