My spring break popped off on the right foot:
Friday evening was spent getting my tires changed, shopping for a new bathing suit and seeing the movie "Our Family Wedding" with my homegirl, Jarvis.
Saturday was an infamous sleep-in day, followed by a short trip to Wal-Mart (wherein I was inundated with the allergic reaction of tree pollen causing me to rush home). However, I was able to HGTV my apartment a bit. *geekin'
Later that night, some friends pop'ed in on the random tip and we enjoyed the pleasures of REDBOX and the $10 Pizza hut special.
Sunday, after worship...the most amazing nap was accompanied by yet another night of REDBOX this time coupled with Brewsters icecream. Btw..."Taken" is my new fav movie!
Monday, a bum day (no regrets).
I went to the mall and found a fab jean skirt for only $15! But didn't purchase it.
Instead I took in lunch at Chic-Fil-A with my homie Jarvis and shortly thereafter we spent an afternoon feeding ducks. Or so the adventure was SUPPOSED to be:
As we arrived, at this make-shift retention pond (supposed to be a lake), we began watching ducks. Soon enough we happen upon a beaver looking friend. We began to coo and take pictures of this "cutie". Then moments later, it reared its hideous long rodent-like tail and no sooner, a fellow "duck-feeder" informed us that this member of the rodent family is called a "nutria".
So later, we moved to a more grassy knoll-like area, pinched a blanket and chair and began to enjoy nature. Jarvis blogged, I read juicy novel i'm starting. About 20 minutes into our relaxation phase came some loud geese (both male & female) flocking into the lake. As we smiled at the beautiful warm white female geese, low and behold we caught some not-so-cute male geese hawking the females. One in particular climbed atop the female geese and forced himself on her. Well, this lady goose was obviously NOT having that as she squirmed and successfully flung the male off her back. Ahhh, the wild and their ways!
We ended our time watching others try to feed teh ducks and geese and end up result-less (as we did). I'm not sure what's going on but in case you didn't know...ducks dont particularly care for bread anymore. I hear hot cheetos are the new "bread". Lol
My night was topped off by studying for my GED.
Lovely lynn
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