Tuesday, September 27, 2016

No lotion needed-keeping my knees dirty!

When I tell you, I'm learning to just stay down on my knees? Yal it's too real in these streets. I find myself needing to pray about everything! And I do mean EVERY.THING!!!!

For those who are old southern baptist. Yal remember deacons' devotion during church service? It was the time when the deacons gathered at the front of the church in those 4-5 chairs and sang hymns that no one really knew the words to like "Guide me oh Thy great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land" (some of yal didn't even know THAT'S what they were saying)

And the response back sounded something like "I-iiii-iiiiiiiiiii, meeeeeeeee----oooooo-vahhhhhh" (They were actually repeating what was said in the first phrase). Anywho, then after that song and another one, one deacon would slightly get out of his chair and easily lean into a kneeling position with his hand on his forehead and belt out this prayer as if from no where. Leaving you like "oh, we praying now? When did the song end?"

Well then he'd conclude his prayer (where he generally prayed the exact same prayer as last Sunday in the exact same format, but no shade) and sit back in his chair as we collectively entered another song.

My point is this, his prayer ended, he got up and sat back in his chair and service went on. I am realizing that my life is a lot like that. I may pray in the shower or on the way to work, for my day. I close my eyes momentarily to bless my food; I might even possibly pray for someone as I'm going through my day if I happen to see they're having a rough one. Then of course I say a sort of "good-night" flirty prayer to the Lord as I lay down just thanking Him for the day and sharing with him some of my woes. And when 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says "Pray without ceasing", I can feel a super size check off on that scripture because I feel as if I have done just that! I have prayed about as much as my mind can stop to do so or can focus long enough to engage in a conversation with God.

But check this recent reality out...I have uncovered that THAT much prayer is way too little. Now i'm not telling you that your prayer life is falling short of God's expectations; I'm saying that I'm realizing I'm more focused on whether I've talked to God than the fact that I need Him (which evokes random unplanned conversations with Him).

Back in college, I had this mundane job that its safe to say I "hated'. But work was work. I had no problem finding something to complain to my boyfriend, at the time, about as I was headed back to my dorm. Possibly the worst place I've ever worked. But as I look back some 16 years later over the jobs I've had, I can probably say that I've always found SOMETHING wrong with each and every one of them. I'd even venture to say the same thing about every relationship I've been in, every person I've either befriended or maintained an 'associate' relationship with. I'm certain each car I've had gave me some issue, each bill I've acquired was a nuisance, and so on and so on.

Here's my point. Every situation, job, relationship, child, material possession we obtain presents opportunities for us to pray. Each and every one (no matter how "good" they are), will have something complain-worthy. While venting is often necessary, it errors on the side of negative energy and falls in the category of "Philippians 2:14's 'Do everything without complaining and grumbling'" if it's not coupled with and covered in prayer.

If we ever (like the deacon) "Get up" from praying, the posture of our hearts becomes prideful and presents the opportunity for evil (hate, bitterness, spiteful actions and more). I've witnessed all of these things lay hold to my heart. Now I see that:
>for each concern-pray
>for every "I can't believe this is happening..."-pray
>for every complaint that bubbles up- pray
>every time I'd rather quit-pray
>every time I wanna confront (or retreat)- pray

You get the picture. Nothing is 100% peachy. No job is the perfect job...no relationship is the perfect relationship, no situation will be perfect--prayer is needed to keep a peaceful heart and proper perspective. Perhaps the deacons were onto something when they sang "...guide me, Lord, I'm passing through this BARREN land..."
PRAYER will in fact keep us moving when situations tempt/cause us to pause.