Try asking for the Blue Book report on the car, though. They might start giving you the run around and trying to change the subject. What they don't want you to know is that though the car looks good and was only used "a few times by a Rental company"; its about a month away from needing 4 new tires, about 2 months away from needing new brakes, the previous owner smoked and that none of the factory pieces have been changed since it was new.
People, be careful. When you meet a new girl or guy, they will sell themselves as the perfect mate for you. They might dress the part, shove the 'selective' resume of their life in your face (you know, all the great things they've done, and the church they attend) and say/do all the thoughtful things you've been looking for. The outside of the "car" might look great and peak the excitement for purchase. Your family and friends might even buy into them & give you kudos for finding such a good person.
Beware, though...try finding out the blue book report on this person. Not to shove their past in their face, but a persons' past plays a role in their future to some degree. If a person was in an unhealthy relationship before yours, don't think they will automatically become a healthy mate for YOU. People don't change for people. People change because God does a work in their life. People bring unhealthy habits into new relationships and try to cover them like a dealership tries to cover the cigarette smoke with a new car smell air freshner. But the stain is too deep. The upholstery either needs to be changed or steam cleaned. The same is true with your "mate".
Be careful, before getting serious, that you observe patterns of how people behave in the low moments of your life. How do they handle disappointment, rejection, loss, anger, etc. These qualities tell you more about a person than their words concerning how they feel about you.
"A wolf can only stay in sheep's clothing for so long."